Friday, August 31, 2012

You don't have to stay stuck in the same old patterns, you can make real changes in your life...

Events around town this coming week (Aug 31 to Sept 6th)

september 2012September 5, 12, 19 & 26 - Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel: Is it time to remember why you came to earth?  Free four-week class.  Come any or all Wednesdays, September 5-26, 7-8:30pm,, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen.  Pre-register, free book!

September 5-27 - Strengthening Your Intuition (part 1 of 3) with Leah Skurdal: Improve decisions, deepen self trust and love for your body. Four Wednesdays, 9:30-11am at Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes. Love Offering (Suggested $100-250). Bonus one-hour massage with 3-part series. Call 651.472.3995.

BioPhoton Coherency Therapy: If it is chaotic, dis-ease ensues.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Featured Topic for October: "An Unexplained Experience from the Beyond"

2012 Featured Topics : Your Life Experience

Your voice – and your experience – is just as valuable as anyone else’s on the planet. We encourage you to share on the Featured 700 words or less. 
  • October: An Unexplained Experience from the Beyond (deadline September 7)
Need tips on writing about your experience? Read here. You can submit your article online here, or email your article here

Discovery Feng Shui: A Personal Journey

Edge 20 Article | Harmonic Concordance: Embracing This Wave Of Light

Harmonic Concordance: Embracing This Wave Of Light

Many of you a probably have heard if the upcoming astrological alignment and eclipse cycle on Nov. 8 and 23rd called the Harmonic Concordance. As it has been approaching, energy is building and with it a kind of pressure to bring our Beings into alignment with our choices and lives. As I have been working with these energies, observing what is taking place in my sessions with people, and listening to the consciousness within creation at this time, I am discovering sonic things that I wanted to share with you in case they might be helpful.
First, this wave of Light is penetrating deeper into the physical body than ever before. Pockets of unprocessed memories, wounding, emotion, thought forms, old self story lines, or stored toxins and heavy metals may be pushed to the surface for clearing on all levels. Much of this process may be taking place at an unconscious level, yet it draws upon a significant amount of energy to be accomplished. Don’t be surprised if you are feeling tired, physically challenged, or as if your energy is “otherwise occupied.” Waves of emotion, old patterns of thought, or physical “yuks” of one kind or other may show tip unexpectedly and/or forcibly. Let go! Trust that this wave of Light knows what needs to be released so you can come into more full alignment in and with Life, both on the personal scale and within Creation as a Whole. Hot baths with apple cider vinegar help cleanse the etheric as well as the physical body. Lots of clear water, fresh lemon juice, extra Viramin C, deep tissue massage, and extra self-care may be supportive during this period of release. [read more]

Professional Psychics Working as a Group for an Unique and Powerful Experience.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Personal Evolution Astrology. Free weekly horoscopes, video forecasts & web radio.

Edge 20 Article | Natural Law: An Interview with John Hagelin

Natural Law: An Interview with John Hagelin

During an historic press conference on July 2, 2003, in Washington, D.C., Dr. John Hagelin, renowned quantum physicist and Natural Law Party 2000 presidential candidate, launched his new U.S. Peace Government to bring prevention-oriented, problem-free administration to America.
Following Dr. Hagelin’s presentation, several of America’s top leaders, including retired corporate president Robert Brown, real estate developer Robert LoPinto, successful entrepreneur Lincoln Norton, and award-winning film director David Lynch, revealed plans now under way in cities across the country to raise from top foundations and billionaires the $1 billion endowment needed to create permanent world peace. Mr. LoPinto also announced that he is contributing $1 million towards the construction of a Peace Palace in Long Island, New York.
Dr. Hagelin responded by e-mail to questions by The EDGE about this new undertaking. [read more]

Teach yourself how to feel better, each day. Authentic Yoga and Meditation classes from a 2000 year old tradition.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Events around town this coming week (Aug 24 to Aug 31st and beyond)

August 24-27 - Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop: Join Steve Spooner of Drunvalo's School of Remembering for a 4-day workshop featuring the latest teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek. This is the amalgamation of the Flower of Life, Earth/Sky/Heart, and Living in the Heart Workshops. It combines ancient mystery school teachings with cutting edge science of the Heart and the truth of our purpose/ potential here on Mother Earth. $444/

August 25 - "Seven Elements of Mystical Development": Open Meeting, 10am-noon, free, Essene Chapter AMORC, 4718 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale. Entrance and parking in back,

August 25 - Minneapolis Dances of Universal Peace: An inter faith gathering, blending sacred phrases, chant, music and movement into a living experience of Unity and sacred community. No experience necessary, free-will donation. 7pm, Center for the Performing Arts, 3754 Pleasant Ave., Mpls, www.PeaceDanceMN.com612.827.4424

August 29 - Discover Soul Travel! Find out how to do it. Expand your consciousness. Prove your eternal nature. Free. Come any or all Wednesdays; August 29, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar,www.TempleofECK.org952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet!

September 2012 Events 
september 2012
September 5, 12, 19 & 26 - Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel: Is it time to remember why you came to earth? Free four-week class. Come any or all Wednesdays, September 5-26, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar,www.TempleofECK.org952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free book!

September 8 -- Moonlight & Magic:Offering the best local psychics, healers and vendors at an event you won't want to miss. Classes will be taught every hour on the hour by our expert vendors, all classes will be hands on and interactive. Millennium Hotel, 1313 Nicollet Mall, Mpls. MNVendor Expo: 10am-7pm, $5 admission, free workshops, gifts & live music. Let their Voice be Heard, A Medium Gathering," $25. Contact Leigh Cohen Wyatt 

September 8 -- Tai Chi Classes: Normandale Community College proudly presents over 10 varieties of tai chi classes, ranging from beginners to advanced level training. All classes are open to the public and are offered in 6-week series. $75 per series, Normandale Community College.

September 8 -- Shamanic Breathwork Workshop: Release limiting patterns, co-create your future. 10am-6pm, Shamans Hearth Spiritual Community, Burnsville, MN. To or 952.250.2543.

September 8 - Workshop with Gary Renard: The bestselling author of "The Disappearance of the Universe," Gary Renard, will present a workshop on Saturday, Sept. 8, at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. For or call Kathy Scott Perry at512.938.9996

September 9 -- Refresher Course in Nursing: Are you a nurse by trade but have let your license lapse or have not actively worked in patient care for over 5 years? If so, this course will provide the skills and knowledge to re-enter the field of nursing and feel confident about providing patient care. This program is recognized by the MN Board of Nursing. $840, Normandale Community College. 952.358.8343,

September 18 - Psychic Development Class: Learn practical tools/information to live in conscious partnership with your Soul's wisdom, creativity and purpose. Tuesday evenings, September-June. Cindy Lehman,,

Sepember 22 - Holistic Healing and Psychic Fair: Over 40 vendors & practitioners, Free lectures, door prizes, free gift bags to first 25 attendees. 10am-5pm at Hudson House 1616 Crestview Dr., Hudson, WI. For more information:

September 28, 29, 30 -- Initiation of Light Meditation with Ms. Jacky Roy: Initiation Meditation raises your frequencies of light to help you inbody your Divine Self and helps raise consciousness to a fifth-dimensional reality. 7-9pm, Room 112, Maple Grove Community Center, 12951 Weaver Lake Rd, Maple Grove, MN, doors open at 6:30 for meditation. $40 per night. Pre-register with credit card at1.207.543.7989, cash or check at door.

September 29 -- "Community Wellness Day" in Maple Grove:Learn from local Health, Safety, Financial and Environmental experts as Maple Grove joins a nationwide wellness initiative. This family friendly, entertaining event is Free and open to the public. Fun and information for all ages. Maple Grove Community Center, 11am-3pm. Additional sponsors, participants and donations are welcome. Proceeds benefit "Open Your Heart" - Contact: Dr. Anthony Macioce of DC Wellness Center, 763.494.8787,
Upcoming & Ongoing 
October 20-21 - Healthy LIFE EXPO™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity - it's all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertainment. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Hall C, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700,

November 3-4 -- Minneapolis Holistic Expo: Featuring return of Gregg Braden, first-ever combined talk by Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig and much more, 85 exhibitors with gifts, healing and information, daily free workshops. New Venue: Earle Brown Heritage Center, acres of free parking. Advance admission & speaker tickets on sale now at Exhibit now: call Dee at 715.259.3047or Gary at toll-free 1.888.776.7616.

January 12-13 - Healthy Life Expo™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity - it's all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertainment. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend:

Ongoing - Reiki Training and / or Reiki Healing Sessions:
Available any weekend through Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan. Contact Rachel at 651.735.2863 or email rachel.miejan@gmail.comand visit

Peaceful Waters - Colon Hydrotherapy, Raindrop, Ion Cleanse & Steam Therapies

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Radio Show for Conscious Living - to Inspire, Uplift, and Educate

Article | Undoing the Separation and Re-connecting with your Source

Undoing the Separation and Re-connecting with your Source

I'd like to share a few helpful ideas about undoing the ego (the thought of separation from our Source and the idea that we could take on an individual existence or personal identity) and returning to our Source. I hope you'll employ these powerful tools to experience your reality, which is permanent, rather than just this world, which is temporary. Put the Holy Spirit (or your higher power) in charge: This simple act can be done in the morning in ten seconds. Say: "Holy Spirit, you be in … [Read more...]

Intuitive Readings, Life Coaching, Classes, Fairy Ceremonies, Mystical Tours/Cruises - Angel Star Journeys

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Article | On Spiritual Practice

On Spiritual Practice

In this age of technology and materialism, when many wonder what tomorrow will bring, the resurgence of spirituality is a normal phenomenon. For centuries, people have turned to religions or other belief systems for support and understanding. Yet, it never resulted in a better world on a global level. An improved personal life perhaps, but not a better planet. So one can wonder why, after centuries of religious or spiritual teachings on love, forgiveness, presence or service, the world … [Read more...]

Achieve Harmony Between Your Mouth and Body

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Supporting Holistic Healing ~ One Degree at a Time

Article | Group Awakening and the Independent Spirit

Group Awakening and the Independent Spirit

An excerpt from Making the Shift: Field Guide to the Emerging Consciousness Volume 1 We are undergoing a collective shift in consciousness that is transforming the human condition and ushering in a global spiritual renaissance -- the New World Order. This truly is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The archetype of Aquarius expresses itself through groups and broad humanitarian ideals. We are being called to unite as brothers and sisters within a loving planetary family. The template of … [Read more...]

Animal Communication, Shamanic Healing Sessions, Past Life Regressions, Reiki & Quantum Touch Energy Healing, Psychic Readings

Monday, August 20, 2012

Elightened Guidance ~ Helping Achieve Goals, Resolve Emotional Traumas, Realize Dreams

Recipe: Fresh Salsa

Recipe: Fresh Salsa

A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe Here's a great way to use those delicious tomatoes from your garden. This recipe is versatile, because you can make it hotter with more peppers or make it sweeter with fruit. And it's easy! Ingredients: 2 cups chopped tomatoes (or a combination of tomatoes and fresh peaches, nectarines, mangos or grapes) 1/3 cup chopped yellow or white onion 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro 2 tablespoons lime juice 1 to 2 jalapeño or serrano peppers, … [Read more...]

Aromatherapy Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils - Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Healing

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sciatica? Back Pain? Sacro Wedgy!

Edge 20 Article | Living in the Heart: An interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek

Living in the Heart: An interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek

We’ve seen the peace protestors and those advocating the liberation of Iraq. Two sides, both of whom believe they’re right, in vocal opposition. And who can say which one is right? Drunvalo Melchizedek, known for his books and teachings on The Flower of Life, sacred geometry and the merkaba fields around the human body, says his new work takes the guesswork out of our world of polarities by allowing us to create within a field of absolute harmony.
“This new work has been going on for about the last three and a half, four years,” he said in a phone interview from his office in Arizona. “Prior to that time, what most of the world knows my work from are the books called The Flower of Life about sacred geometry and the electromagnetic fields around the human body that are 55, 60 feet across in diameter (merkaba). This new work is about the human heart and a sacred space inside of the heart.
“Initially, it looks different than the merkaha fields and the light body fields, but in the end, this all leads to the connecting of these two spaces together, the mind and the heart.”
Drunvalo will be in the Twin Cities on June 22 to present “Conscious Co-Creation: Our Path to World Peace,” an introduction to a powerful process called Living in the Heart. The event, sponsored by Drunvalo’s online community and website Spirit of Ma’at and The EDGE Newspaper, will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Sofitel Minneapolis, 5601 W. 78th St., Bloomington.
What follows is an interview with Drunvalo on Living in the Heart and how it relates the world we live in today. [read more]

Spiritual Energy Consultant, Psychic, Medium, Healer - Carol Lowell - New Hopkins Location

Saturday, August 18, 2012

You are greater than your wildest dreams! Balanced Mind Hypnotherapy

Article | Macular Degeneration: In the Eye of the Beholder

Macular Degeneration: In the Eye of the Beholder

I hear the wild laugh of the pileated woodpecker. I turn off the Mixmaster and peer out the kitchen window. She lands on my suet feeder and pecks away, pieces of suet flying, as she ratchets the frozen tallow. This is a mature female. She does not have the red stripe from her bill back to the throat and her crest is perfectly coifed -- not the immature feathers that stick up on a juvenile like the hair of a teenage boy. I was putting together my mother's recipe for refrigerator cookies, but … [Read more...]

Earth & Water Wellness, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Psychic Readings by Email

Friday, August 17, 2012

Reiki I & II Classes - Reiki Healing Sessions - Reiki by Miejan

Events around town this coming week (Aug 17 to Aug 23rd)

August 17 - Create a Super Celestial Vision Board: Achieve your heart's desires by tapping into the creative powers of the New Moon, also known as the "Wishing Moon." Fun Workshop! All levels. 6-9pm. More Info:

August 17 - Circle of Angels: Visualize World Joy in the Vortex with Snow Angel, 7-9pm, Lake Harriet Spiritual Community. We'll send out three soul calls: to all lightworkers on Earth to find our most joy-filled path; for all soulmates on Earth to be united or re-united; and a call to invoke the healing power of the Circle of Angels that perpetually envelops the earth in a cocoon of Divine Love. Musical guest Michelle Kaye. Info:

August 17-19 -- IET Practitioner Certification Intensive in Minneapolis: Join Bonny, Top Master Instructor Worldwide, for this safe and effective method of cellular release in partnership with the angels. Learn how to remove "issues from the tissues" permanently. Register at or call 928.300.0359. Become certified as an advanced practitioner. No experience necessary. Mention this ad and receive the Early Bird Special ($555) through August 10. $595 afterward.

August 18 - Discover your Sacred Contract with God: Deborah Lynn11 has retrieved something that was almost lost - your sacred contract with God. Your knowledge of this provides added clarity and meaning to your days. Saturday, Aug. 18, from Noon-2pm in Stillwater, $53, Pre-register at 651.439.5337.

August 18 - Formless Form Qigong: Free Information Session:Peng Her, L.Ac., strives to inform the public about the vast styles of Qigong & their common roots. He will demonstrate his ability to read physical ailments & highlight basic principles of the Formless Form Qigong practice. There will be a short lecture, demo, & practice. 1:30-4:30pm. Go to website to register:

August 19 - Find Inner Peace-Chant HU! In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace?  Experience the divine love and inner peace of chanting HU, a sacred name for God. All are welcome to this half-hour HU Song at the Temple of ECK. Free! Sunday, August 19 and every third Sunday of the month, 10-10:30am, Eckankar, www.TempleofECK.org952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen.

August 22 - Have You Had a Spiritual Experience? Discuss out-of-body experiences, dreams, déjà vu, seeing an inner light, and more. Find out what these experiences may mean. Free workshop. August 22, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar,,952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet!

Article: Five tips to experience presence instead of pressure in chaotic times

Five tips to experience presence instead of pressure in chaotic times

In a chaotic world where there never seems to be enough time to accomplish all that we feel needs to be done, what are some new behaviors that can help us meet our goals with clarity and reduced stress? Here are five important guidelines for experiencing presence instead of pressure. 1. Remember to breathe. Slow your breathing down just a little and imagine that your whole body is breathing. Picture every cell of your body in contact with the source of life, and each cell communicating in … [Read more...]

Healing the Wounded Spirit, Soul Retrieval. Recovery from Trauma, Space Clearing, Depossession

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Article: Are we addicted to drama?

Are we addicted to drama?

While living in Beijing, China, recently, I spent my days at the Lama Temple interviewing Tibetan monks for my recently released book, Think Yourself Young. An elder monk approached me one day as I sat next to the Laughing Buddha statue. He told me a story that goes back to the time of Lao Tzu (the founder of Taoism), 400 BCE, that has stuck with me ever since. It goes like this: A beggar stood at the gates of the temple with his hand out asking for coins from the monks that came and went. … [Read more...]

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cat Care Clinic: Offering a Blend of Western & Eastern Medicine

Article: Caregiving with Love: Five tips to better healing

Caregiving with Love: Five tips to better healing

Whether it's your wife or husband or child, or a relative or close friend you are caring for, it is paramount that you become the best caregiver possible for your loved one. As a caregiver for my wife Jacqui during her brave journey to beat aml-leukemia, here is what I learned and can share as I honor and applaud caregivers everywhere. 1. Be the trusted advocate. No matter the illness, the medical journey to heal can be lengthy and complicated, especially if the battleground is cancer. It is … [Read more...]

Provoking Thoughts & Expanding Horizons since 1992: Magus Books

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Minneapolis Holistic Expo: Edge Life Holistic Expos & Events - Nov 3-4, 2012

Health Article: Homeopathy: A Success Story at Spark Clinic

Homeopathy: A Success Story at Spark Clinic

Illness never happens on a schedule. It's a rare occasion when your child gets sick during office hours and you are able to get an appointment with your practitioner. Even if you're able to reach your homeopath during these hours, it can be difficult to get the remedy that you need. You're often left with just a few conventional options -- urgent care or the emergency room. While I was in homeopathy school, the realities above were very true for me. I had three small children, and while I … [Read more...]

Psychic, Pal Reader, Aura and Chakra Read, Medical Intuitive, Holistic Physical, Hypnosis Master

Monday, August 13, 2012

Natural Handmade Soap, Gift Sets, Soy Candles ~ Good Intentions Soap Company

Health Article: Is there an ‘all natural’ alternative to antibiotics?

Is there an ‘all natural’ alternative to antibiotics?

Adapted from her book, Down There There are good reasons to use antibiotic drugs. That said, most physicians and healthcare professionals agree that they are often overused. The overuse of antibiotics has created "superbugs" that are immune to the most common antibiotics. But on a more personal level, antibiotics can wreak havoc on your own immune system and gastrointestinal tract. The good news is that there is an all-natural alternative to antibiotics that I've found to be very … [Read more...]