Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Inner Child: Why It Needs Your Attention

Inner Child: Why It Needs Your Attention

By Ann Niebuhr

“The circle of trust” (as quoted by the movie Fockers) within oneself is constantly being adjusted. Inside all of us are unmet needs that cry for our attention and affection.

If a need is not met, we will fill it somehow — perhaps not in a healthy way, but in some compulsive way or covered up way that leads us to a destructive path that leads us to less accountability and causes a pain under the surface. It may be in the form of a string of relationships that are shallow, a love affair to kindle passion, eating food, watching TV, playing videogames, shopping, gossiping, raising our children without boundaries, passing on bad habits to our children, drinking to a buzz, people pleasing or following, and following the plans of others instead of your plan for your life and priorities.

The land of the free is the land of children, yet as adults why do we throw this to the wind and follow different standards? Why do we, as children, follow? As adults, do we think that our ego and position and rank are too high to follow the codes we learned as children? To love. Share. Gentle touches. Play. That’s enough. Good listeners. You are the student. Sometimes it is a corner of our heart that darkened where a light is shed and we are shown what we can become. All it takes is a spark in the heart inside to let us see.

There is a great big world waiting to discover what you want and can be — if only you believe. You are not your mother, your grandmother or even your father. You are unique, and the capacity that you hold within cannot be measured and may have never been seen before. This could be the very first discovery of you being born and birthed to the world to what you are capable of and what you want to achieve in your lifetime — and the journey will be uncovered with you having a front row seat that only you can attend and the players that are revealed as time passes.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Healing the Inner Child: Our Life’s Work

Healing the Inner Child: Our Life’s Work

By Eric J. Christopher

I’m aware that “healing the inner child” is not high on the average guy’s to-do list, and probably isn’t a hot-topic among most people. However, whether we know it or not, we all operate from limiting subconscious beliefs that formed during our childhood experiences.

It is possible to discover and unravel what these beliefs are, because they get triggered during times of stress. More accurately, they cause our stress. For instance, underneath anxiety about school might be an early life subconscious belief of, “I must get a good grade” or “I can’t make a mistake.” These mind programs guide our lives behind the scene. Some others might be: “If I open my heart, I’ll get hurt.” “If I speak my truth, I’ll be ridiculed.” “It isn’t safe to share my deepest emotions.” “I’m responsible for other’s feelings.” These are just a few examples of our fear-based subconscious assumptions.

Healing inner child wounds is not only for severe abuse cases, but also for individuals awakening to their mental and emotional programming and conditioning that formed at an early age. It’s a natural part of being human. In fact, becoming aware of our negative belief system lessens stress and enhances our lives. Anais Nin wrote: “We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are.”

As children, we are completely dependent on our parents not only for food and shelter, but also a sense of security, love, connection and value. They are like our gods. If there’s disharmony in the home, and a child does not experience these feelings often, they may assume that they are the cause of the problem.
Find the rest of the article, and other articles about your inner child online with The Edge Magazine at:

Profile: Hypnotherapist Eric Christopher

Profile: Hypnotherapist Eric Christopher
What happens when liberating spiritual teachings blend with the most effective emotional healing methods? A productive, results-oriented therapy that becomes an awakening experience in each session. Eric Christopher, Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, Certified Hypnotherapist, specializes in emotions – anxiety, fear, depression or any stuck, unwanted feeling or pattern.

Eric J. Christopher, hypnotherapist
From his own 20-year quest for spiritual truth, Eric knows that beneath the most disturbing emotions or negative beliefs lie wholeness, wisdom and deep peace. Therefore, he guides clients to experientially feel this aspect of themselves in each session. From this perspective, solutions replace problems, deep insights and harmony overshadow turmoil. His approach reveals the truth of Einstein’s words: “You can’t solve a problem at the level of consciousness that created the problem.” The problem dissolves from a “deeper” or “higher” perspective.
Freedom from a negative emotional issue (anxiety, depression, “stuckness”) is achieved when two things happen:
  • You dissect the problematic emotion to its subconscious core, revealing a body sensation and a memory which carries a false, unconscious belief.
  • You view the issue from a dimension of yourself that already feels whole and secure, untouched by the problem.
Find the full article, and others like it at:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Edge Archives: "2011 Prediction: Increasing intuition will reveal our secrets and fears"

Each month I attend a forum in which intuitive and medium Kathryn Harwig channels her guides, the Light Collective. At the December meeting I asked the Light Collective to predict the major changes we will experience in 2011. This is what they had to say:

“The major event we see happening in 2011 is a continuation of what has already started, which is that more people will evolve intuitively and become, you would say, more spiritual. We would say real. We find this to be an exciting time. We also believe it affects many of your institutions in ways you will find perhaps not so exciting. Many of your corporations and other businesses were set up to not honor this. Once all beings become aware that you can know everything about everyone, it becomes rather disconcerting for people.

There are benefits, but it will not be all wonderful. Some institutions that you have come to rely upon may not exist. This is not going to happen all in 2011, but we’re setting a stage for you. Many of the things that you rely upon will be different. For example, more people will work for themselves rather than for others. This is a thought that seems foreign to most people, but that is the way it was 100 years ago. It is a new thing to have the majority of people in the world working for other people.”

This prediction has profound implications. Once “all beings become aware that you can know everything about everyone,” we will no longer have secrets. We will be forced to confront our secrets and the fears that lie behind them. I believe this will be a major step forward for humanity, because we will finally be released from our fears. As the Light Collective says, “You have a choice. Your choice is to be free of fear, or your choice is to be haunted by fear. It is time to release yourselves from fear.”

In preparation for the coming increased intuition and resulting exposure of our secrets, I believe it would be wise to begin dealing with our secrets and their accompanying fears now by taking the following steps:
Read the full article on the Edge website at:

Increasingly nurses, and even doctors, are using natural forms of medicine

Increasingly nurses, and even doctors, are using natural forms of medicine

By SchaOn Blodgett

As we see more articles each day about declining health of individuals in America, coupled with rising health care costs, nurses and doctors are starting to look elsewhere to improve not just their own health, but that of their families and their clients. This nation is now ranked 49th in the world for life expectancy, dropping more and more each year from our highest point in 1950 when we had the 5th highest ranking, yet we spend more on modern medicine than any other nation!

According to research published in the Health Services Research Journal, 76 percent of health care workers are now using Complementary and Alternative forms of Medicine (CAM). Insiders of allopathic, or modern, medicine speculate that so many health care workers use CAM healing because they know the shortcomings of the allopathic system.

Joya Lynn-Schoen, M.D., told Health Behavior News Service, “As insiders, health care workers understand what’s missing in our medical system. They’re more educated than others about orthodox and alternative medicine…. Mainstream medicine will say, ‘Here’s a pill’ or ‘Have an operation’ or ‘There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re just tired.’ ” Or maybe it has a little something to do with the fact that one in five hospital patients will have a preventable adverse drug reaction causing additional injury or even death.

Average Americans seem to be catching onto this as well, as 63 percent of us are now utilizing natural forms of healing, compared to 2007 when only about 38 percent of adults and 12 percent of children in the U.S. utilized CAM therapies. In just four years, we have seen this number almost double!
Read the full article on The Edge Magazine website at:

Life as a Duck

Life as a Duck
By Michael Foley

Once upon a time in a land far, far away lived a majestic eagle and her brood of eaglets. They lived in a large nest high above the forest floor with a spectacular view of the valley down below. One day, while mama eagle was off gathering food, the tiniest eaglet, Squirt, tumbled out of the nest. He bounced off branches, brushed through leaves and landed on the dark forest floor.

Squirt was not injured in the fall, but he was confused and frightened. He tried to climb back up the tree, but found he was not a good climber. The next morning as he lay cold, wet and hungry he saw what looked somewhat like his kin, but different and odd… kind of like distant relatives.

These relatives were from the duck family and would often quack, fuss and carry on. Out of options, Squirt decided to follow them. Mama duck looked at him oddly at first, but then took pity on the desperate little eaglet. She took Squirt in and raised him along with the rest of her ducklings.
Read the full article, and others at: