Monday, November 28, 2011

Edge Archives: "2011 Prediction: Increasing intuition will reveal our secrets and fears"

Each month I attend a forum in which intuitive and medium Kathryn Harwig channels her guides, the Light Collective. At the December meeting I asked the Light Collective to predict the major changes we will experience in 2011. This is what they had to say:

“The major event we see happening in 2011 is a continuation of what has already started, which is that more people will evolve intuitively and become, you would say, more spiritual. We would say real. We find this to be an exciting time. We also believe it affects many of your institutions in ways you will find perhaps not so exciting. Many of your corporations and other businesses were set up to not honor this. Once all beings become aware that you can know everything about everyone, it becomes rather disconcerting for people.

There are benefits, but it will not be all wonderful. Some institutions that you have come to rely upon may not exist. This is not going to happen all in 2011, but we’re setting a stage for you. Many of the things that you rely upon will be different. For example, more people will work for themselves rather than for others. This is a thought that seems foreign to most people, but that is the way it was 100 years ago. It is a new thing to have the majority of people in the world working for other people.”

This prediction has profound implications. Once “all beings become aware that you can know everything about everyone,” we will no longer have secrets. We will be forced to confront our secrets and the fears that lie behind them. I believe this will be a major step forward for humanity, because we will finally be released from our fears. As the Light Collective says, “You have a choice. Your choice is to be free of fear, or your choice is to be haunted by fear. It is time to release yourselves from fear.”

In preparation for the coming increased intuition and resulting exposure of our secrets, I believe it would be wise to begin dealing with our secrets and their accompanying fears now by taking the following steps:
Read the full article on the Edge website at:

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