Friday, April 6, 2012

Feline Wisdom | Ask For What You Want

Feline Wisdom | Ask For What You Want

Cats know what they want…and they aren’t afraid to ask for it! Those of you who share your life with a cat know exactly to what I am referring. They aren’t shy about letting us know exactly when it’s meal time, if we’ve slacked on litter box scooping, and they pound on any closed door standing between you and them. They ask for what they want and they usually get it.
As humans, we sometimes shy away from asking for our own desires because of many reasons, including self-worth and just plain fear. From my own past experience, I’ve figured if I didn’t ask, I wouldn’t have to deal with the pain of rejection. It was just easier to keep that desire hidden and assume those things were meant for other people. You know, the lucky ones. The truth is, it just takes a few times of mustering the courage to let our wishes be known and the fear slowly subsides. We see that we are usually met with positive results and suddenly we begin to feel more confident, worthy and grateful.
Cats completely get this. In the morning, sometimes my little Phoebe jumps on the bed and demands a lengthy snuggle. And when I say “demands,” I’m not kidding. She gets in my face and her six-pound frame emits the bossiest MEOW I’ve ever heard! Most of the time I do have time to snuggle with her and we lie in bed for a while before I start getting ready for work. Sometimes, however, she catches me as I am already getting dressed and running a little behind schedule. I oblige with a quick snuggle, but we can’t enjoy the leisurely lounging we do on other mornings. But she still jumps on the bed and asks for it. There have been times I can offer no more than a few loving strokes and sweet words and no snuggle at all. But she still asks for it.
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