September 21-23 - Wisconsin Spiritual Exploration Retreat:Celebrate the Fall Equinox and harvest the new energies coming to Earth. Includes prayer, past-life regression, interdimensional contact, life purpose, walks in nature, discussion. $100 suggested donation. Meals & lodging included. jerrybuchmeier@comcast.net, 763.546.4133, www.jerrybuchmeier.com
September 22 - Rosicrucian Open Meeting: "Evolution through the Zodiac," 4718 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale, 10am-Noon. Parking and entrance in back of building. www.rosicrucian.org or emailminnesota@amorcrosicrucian.org
September 22 - Holistic Healing and Psychic Fair: Over 40 vendors & practitioners, Free lectures, door prizes, free gift bags to first 25 attendees. 10am-5pm at Hudson House 1616 Crestview Dr., Hudson, WI. For more information: www.bodylabusa.com
September 26 - Feng Shui: For Career and Life Path: Your space is a reflection of our life, goals and obstacles and provides clues about your life-path and career goals. Learn how to read these clues and judge if something is no longer working for you and what you are holding onto that is holding you back. Learn how to create effective work areas to support your life's work. $49 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net
September 26 - Beginning Psychic Development Classes:Psychic phenomenon is one of excitement, wonder and fear of the unknown. Psychics in the Cities will help you develop and recognize these gifts. Whether you are skeptical or believe, this course is enlightening. Eight Wednesday evening classes.www.psychicsinthecities.com, 612.860.9196.
September 27 - Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Basics:This introductory course provides overview and hands-on practice of Emotional Freedom Techniques, a self-help method that is used worldwide to help eliminate stress, fear, anger, sadness, cravings, chronic pain and much more. The procedure involves tapping acupuncture points to release negative emotions and restore well-being. It is self-applied, easy-to-learn and will have permanent positive benefits. $59 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343,http://normandale.augusoft.net
Among these, this is what I love the most: "September 27 - Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Basics:" I have learned a lot about emotional health and this has been really helpful for me.