Saturday, December 17, 2011

Red Velvet for Breakfast: Gifts of daily living from a Psychic Mom

Red Velvet for Breakfast: Gifts of daily living from a Psychic Mom

Last night I had a feeling…when the kids came back from their Dad’s, which was really a weekend with their Grandma, sugary candy bags half eaten spilling out of their hands. I knew this was not going to go well, like hitting a brick wall with a tiny car at 60 mph. Myself recovering from a four-hour drive and a great weekend at a cabin with girlfriends coming to a rapid close. Back to reality with a BAM!
Ah, but today is a new day! It just happens to be Monday. Suffering from an energy-induced, heavy-headed hangover, I could barely imagine the drive to school with the boys, let alone the energy needed for the prep time activities: shower, teeth brushing, breakfast, backpack menagerie and, of course, the whirlwind of rushing out the door to hurry, hurry up, then…the 30-minute drive into school.
Ah yes, coffee would be needed. Much coffee. Thankful for the extra sleep with the change in the clocks from the daylight savings time over the weekend. I felt a bit of luck on my side as I threw back some Tylenol in anticipation of the need for a clear head.
Nathan awoke gently and immediately asked for his Choo Choos, which was an easy request to fill given that they were already set up on the living room floor from his Daddy time over the weekend. He is only 2, but he is such a laid back kid. I’m thankful for his disposition, but I cannot take the credit for that part of his genetics. Another thing to appreciate reminding me of his Daddy. What a great guy, off to work with a pre-teen every morning to get her to the bus in time, and then his transition into his work, the daily grind through the red tape of local government.
Back in Stay-at-home Mom World, I had the gift of 30 more minutes with just Nathan — until the creak of the child gate abruptly ended that daydream. Josh appeared crouched down at the top stair, hanging off the gate with his head downward, whining about not wanting to go to school. Most days I would brush by his comments with redirecting questions about what he wanted for breakfast to move gently into the morning routine. Today that did not happen.
Read the full story, and others like it at:

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