Wednesday, October 31, 2012
ARTICLE: Spirited Kidz: Teens and the paranormal
Spirited Kidz: Teens and the paranormal
By Nadine Penny
Dear Nadine, My daughter Ella is 16 and very psychic. She knows things before they happen and she doesn't know what to make of it all. I want to help her, but I'm not sure where to start and sometimes, our relationship gets a little strained when I bring things up. Any help is appreciated. ~ Concerned Mum from Minneapolis Dear Concerned Mum, The teenage years aren't easy are they? Take a vat of tumultuous hormones, throw in a need for independence, a quest for identity and add a tablespoon … [Read more...]
ARTICLE: Spirited Kidz | Best leave Ouija alone
Spirited Kidz | Best leave Ouija alone
By Nadine Penny
Dear Nadine, My Spirited big kid (a high school senior) recently attended a party where he apparently played with an Ouija (Yes-Yes) Board. I don't like the sound of them myself. Should I tell him it's a "No-No?" Sincerely, Dubious Dad, Shakopee Dear Dubious Dad, It's February, the month to talk love and passion. Personally, I'm passionate about the magical, the mystical, the weird and the wonderful -- but does that extend to the Ouija? The Ouija board celebrates its 121st birthday … [Read more...]
ARTICLE: Growing Up in a Haunted House
Growing Up in a Haunted House
By Kim Morris
I grew up in what I like to call a "movie set" neighborhood in Maplewood, MN. Perfect neighborhood blocks with houses lined up on both sides. It was quiet, it was nice, it was safe, it was perfect. The house itself was built in 1946 and there are no known traumas that happened in that house or on that land. Growing up, I didn't believe in ghosts. Well, that's not true. It's not that I didn't believe in them, I just didn't think about them. I was really interested in dreams. I never even had … [Read more...]
ARTICLE: Are You Unaware Also?
Are You Unaware Also?
We have seen the headlines all too often. Shooting spree results in multiple deaths, officials looking for answers. I can tell you right now, the officials have not the slightest idea of what to look for, generally. What exactly am I talking about? As people of this Earth, everyone is basically from the State of Missouri, the Show Me state. People have a desire to understand what they do not understand. But they have a desire to believe it within the context of what they can see and … [Read more...]
ARTICLE: The Ghost and the Gloves
The Ghost and the Gloves
One of the services I offer in my healing practice is what I call a House Warming. I go to the homes of people and clear the energy using herbs, drumming and chants. People ask for this when they have moved into a new space or to clear negative energies from their current space. One of my friends contacted me to come and clear the energy in her parents' home. Her father had died recently in the home (her mother passed a few years before) and she and her sisters were trying to get the house … [Read more...]
ARTICLE: Earthbound spirits in the Real World
Earthbound spirits in the Real World
By Troy Schmit
As a Medium, I am constantly bombarded with spirits wanting attention - especially those who have not crossed over. Most people call them ghosts. I classify them as an earthbound spirits. The first time people hear that you're a medium, they automatically think that you only talk to ghosts. I think it is slightly humorous but, in truth, not everyone works with that energy. Earthbound spirits usually carry heavier energy, because they have not crossed over and cleansed themselves of all of …[Read more...]
ARTICLE: The Blessed Gift of Liz’s Presence
The Blessed Gift of Liz’s Presence
By Kim Wencl
Our Featured Topic: Experiences from the Beyond Many extraordinary experiences have come my way since my daughter's sudden and tragic death nine years ago. Very early on, when I needed it most, I was shown unequivocally that Elizabeth was alive in spirit and living a new life filled with joy and happiness. These signs and experiences brought me the peace and validation I so desperately needed in order to go on with life again. However, there came a point when I no longer needed any … [Read more...]
ARTICLE: Psychic Experiences: Science Fiction or Psychic Fact
Psychic Experiences: Science Fiction or Psychic Fact
By Rita Louise
Oda May Brown isn't the only psychic on the block any more. Neither is the butcher's wife or the little boy who sees dead people. Even Stephen King has had to share some of the pie when you talk about this topic. What is it? Psychic Phenomena.In the last 30 years, the interest in the paranormal, extrasensory perception (ESP) and the use of psychic powers has escalated. Beyond your basic Stephen King novel, the idea of being psychic or having psychic abilities has penetrated deeply into genre of … [Read more...]
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
COLUMN: EarthTalk®
EarthTalk® | October 2012
Dear EarthTalk: Which are the most eco-friendly and non-toxic (to people, cats and sanitation systems) cat litters? -- Sam Barnes, Macon, GA It makes sense that environmentally enlightened cat owners would want cat litter made from natural products that will not potentially compromise their health or that of their beloved pets. Many mass market cat litters contain significant amounts of silica dust which has been linked to upper respiratory issues in cats and even humans. Likewise, the … [Read more...]
Monday, October 29, 2012
ARTICLE: A Promise, a Mystery, Until Its Fulfillment
A Promise, a Mystery, Until Its Fulfillment
Our Featured Topic: Experiences from the Beyond What I am about to tell you is the most extraordinary and unique experience of my life. This experience includes my own subjective dramatic feelings, a profound vision, and a physical manifestation. Yet, its meaning and implications continue to elude me. I am wary of telling this story, for it does not fit easily into my own schema of reality, and I wonder if others will even find it believable. As I was rollerblading around Parkers Lake, I … [Read more...]
Sunday, October 28, 2012
ARTICLE: Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
By Jean Wallis
When I first heard the quote by French Jesuit priest Peirre Teilhard de Chardin -- "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience" -- I recall being very impacted. I could choose to experience my life "from the top down" instead of "from the bottom up," to be able to observe my human life from the perspective of consciousness. I began to wonder who I really was, this combination of Spirit and humanity. Who is driving the bus here? Is … [Read more...]
ARTICLE: Ghosts, Ghosts Everywhere!
Ghosts, Ghosts Everywhere!
By Rita Louise
An excerpt from Dark Angels: An Insider's Guide to Ghosts, Spirits & Attached Entities There has been an enormous leap in interest in the minds of the American people into the subject of the paranormal, and ghosts in particular. Television shows such as Ghost Hunters, Ghost Whisperer and Medium are viewed by millions each week. At the same time, network channels including Syfy, Discovery and Travel have presented countless documentaries about haunted locations and other ghostly … [Read more...]
Saturday, October 27, 2012
ARTICLE: Halloween 2006 | Ghost Hunting 101: Investigating All That Goes Bump In The Night
Halloween 2006 | Ghost Hunting 101: Investigating All That Goes Bump In The Night
By Rita Louise
Do you hear bumps in the night? Does your hair stand on end when you walk into a room? Maybe you feel as if someone is watching you or perhaps you think you see someone out the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look no one is there? What you may be encountering in those unsettling moments is a ghost. Before you go running out of your house screaming, let's take a moment to talk about ghostly encounters and those who investigate this phenomena.A ghost is believed to be the spirit or soul … [Read more...]
Friday, October 26, 2012
Events around town this coming week (October 26th & beyond)
October 2012 Events
![]() October 26 - Aromatherapy Foundations Level 1 Certificate: This beginning level course provides the information and skills needed to begin using essential oils in safe, practical, and cost-effective ways. Essential oils are unique in that they work simultaneously on three levels of healing - therapeutically on the physical body, emotionally, and energetically. This certificate is perfect for nurses, massage and shiatsu therapists, mental health care providers, acupuncturists, hospice and palliative care - for anyone who wants clear, detailed information and techniques. $225 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, October 26, 27, 28 - Seminar on Near Death Experiences: Scott Taylor presents weekend seminar on Near Death Experiences-an old topic with new insights and perspectives. Taylor, a riveting speaker/educator, wrote his dissertation on NDEs and has provided audiences with greater understanding of their true essence and the nature of multi-dimensionality since. Listen: Friday, Oct. 26 (7-9pm); Saturday, Oct. 27 (10am-5pm); Sunday, Oct. 28, (1-4pm). Attend one session for an overview or all three for greater depth. $125 for all three - earlybird $110. Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602,, October 27 - Rosicrucian Open Meeting: "Cosmic Attunement" free mini workshop, 10am-noon, 4718 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale, parking in back of bldg. No reservation required. October 27 - Exploring Past Lives: Expect a relaxing journey into your inner space where you can connect with your dreams, forgotten places and people. 11am, $25. Sessions last 1-2 hours. Space is Limited. Please call612.508.9606 to Register in Advance. Earth & Water Wellness, 4820 Minnetonka Blvd., Suite 104, St. Louis Park. For more, October 27 - Stress Relieving Techniques Workshop: Presented by Heidi Gilman, Quantum Techniques Practitioner, Shiatsu Bodywork Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist. Stress relieving techniques you can do in 15 minutes, including: Breathing, Qi gong, Guided Meditation, Quantum Techniques. Saturday, Oct. 27, 11:30am-2pm, $25, Total Health and Healing Clinic, 11417 Hanson Blvd. NW, Suite 101, Coon Rapids, MN. Call Heidi to register at 763.208.6106. October 27 - Sensual Awakening For Women! Discover the keys to unlocking your personal passion, freedom, joy & sensual self-expression! One Day Only! 1-7pm Oct. 27, Minneapolis.Presented by Devi Ward of Feminine Emergence & Authentic Tantra.™ Only $90 when you register by October 19. Register and learn more at October 27 - Minneapolis Dances of Universal Peace: An inter faith gathering, blending sacred phrases, chant, music and movement into a living experience of Unity and sacred community. No experience necessary, free-will donation. 7pm, Center for the Performing Arts, 3754 Pleasant Ave., Mpls,, 612.827.4424. October 27 & 28 - Fundamentals of Intuition and Healing Basics: In this two-day, life-transforming intensive class, we will teach you basic skills to connect to your inner voice of intuition and knowing. You will also learn basic healing techniques. Learn how healing carries energy and vibration. You will learn to be present with these new frequencies to facilitate self-healing, healing for friends and family, and distance healing for others. or 651.491.0996. October 27, November 5 & 12 - Retirement from the Inside Out: Eagan Community Center. Interactive, lively 3-part workshop designed to help you create and plan your Best retirement. For details:, Cindy Schultz 612.701.5574. |
November 2012 Events
November 3-4 - Minneapolis Holistic Expo:Featuring return of Gregg Braden, first-ever combined talk by Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig and much more, 85 exhibitors with gifts, healing and information, daily free workshops. New Venue: Earle Brown Heritage Center, acres of free parking. Advance admission & speaker tickets on sale now at Exhibit now: call Dee at 715.259.3047 or Gary at toll-free 1.888.776.7616. November 3, 8, 15 - Retirement from the Inside Out: Ramada Plaza, Minneapolis. Interactive, lively 3-part workshop designed to help you create and plan your Best retirement. For details:, Cindy Schultz 612.701.5574. November 7, 14, 28 - Spiritual Wisdom on Karma and Reincarnation: Are you ready to put the puzzle pieces together that link this life to your past lives? Understand the interplay of karma and reincarnation and lead a more joy-filled life. Find keys to spiritual liberation today! Free three-week class. Wednesdays, November 7, 14, and 28, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar., 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! November 10 - The Complete Color Therapy Seminar: Can you become really proficient in color therapy in 1 day? You certainly can. Join Rose Peterson for a fun day of Spectrochrome and Holistic Color Therapies. Rose is the inventor of Spectrochrome Glass Filters™ and the author of the Colored Light Therapy Course. Demonstrations, rules, hot tips and de-mystifications. For home practitioners, professionals and intuitives. Advantages, discounts, and registration on website. $45. Carondelet Center, Rose Peterson 541.741.4988, November 11 - Spirit United Church Fall Festival! Readers to open heart/mind to challenges/opportunities of the times, soothing healings, lunch, bake sale. $5 per ticket. Silent auction and vendors. Sunday, Nov. 11, 12:30-5pm, 3204 Como Ave SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602,, November 17 - Quantum Techniques Self-Testing Level 2: Presented by Dr. Thomas Miller and Heidi Gilman. This workshop is a deeper level of self-testing. You must have attended level 1 and be proficient in self-testing. Learn trauma release technique. Saturday, Nov. 17, 9-11:30am, $25, Total Health and Healing Clinic, 11417 Hanson Blvd. NW, Suite 101, Coon Rapids, MN. Call Heidi to register at 763.208.6106. |
Upcoming & Ongoing
January 12-13 - Healthy Life Expo™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity - it's all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertainment. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700, March 8-10, 2013 - Donna Eden Event: Appearing with Davie Feinstein, Ph.D., coming to St. Louis March 8, 9, 10, 2013. Sheraton Westport Chalet, 191 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO. Sponsored by MidWest Energy Movement. Contact Gail Van Kanegan at gail@MidWestEnergyMovement.comor 507.244.1994. Ongoing - Reiki Training and / or Reiki Healing Sessions:Available any weekend through Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan. Contact Rachel at 651.735.2863 or email and visit |
To place listings in our events calendar:
Reserve them conveniently at our Online Store!Thursday, October 25, 2012
ARTICLE: Pleasure is Medicine!
Pleasure is Medicine!
By Devi Ward
Pleasure feels good. That's kinda the point, right? But did you also know that the experience of pleasure is vital for maintaining a healthy body, mind and soul? When we experience any of the four forms of pleasure -- physical/sensual, sexual, emotional, or spiritual -- a veritable cocktail of highly beneficial, health-supporting, life-enriching hormones and chemistries are released in the brain, and other areas of the body. Many of these brain and body chemistries have anti-aging, health … [Read more...]
Receive 50% off your Network Source Listing for 1 year!
To receive the 50% off your Network Source Listing, attend the next Edge Networking Event on Monday, November 12th at Present Moment starting at 7 PM. Valid on new Source listings only, so if you already have one... this would also be a GREAT time to get a 2nd or 3rd one! You MUST attend this event to get the 50% off.
Normal Price: $180/year
Savings: $90
Why have a Source Network Listing?
Most readers, when looking for a Service or Product, look in the Network Source Listing area first to find what they are looking for. If they don't find what they are looking for there, then they start looking elsewhere, though usually they are not sure where else to look for Green Businesses, Holistic Health/Wellness services, Psychic/Intuitive insight, and more, because the Edge has built a name for being the #1 Source in the Twin Cities when it comes to those things.
Can't make the meeting? You can still get a Source Network Listing at anytime by contacting Cathy Jacobsen at (763) 433-9291 or via email at
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
ARTICLE: Spiritual Intelligence: The Key to Becoming Fully Human
Spiritual Intelligence: The Key to Becoming Fully Human
Becoming fully human is a great adventure -- one that requires us to grow and stretch ourselves. Do you feel the call to grow? Some of us go through childhood with this yearning. Others discover that restless self later in life. Once this hunger awakens, no distractions, purchases, or promotions will satisfy it. You just know there is "something more." We are drawn toward our own higher potential; we are seeking something. Yet, we often cannot describe the discontent we feel or how we would … [Read more...]
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
ARTICLE: A simple mantra for healing your Dark Night of the Soul
A simple mantra for healing your Dark Night of the Soul
Healing from my "Dark Night of the Soul" was not easy, but the three main steps I had to go through were: Forgive, Love and Heal. This mantra, "Forgive, Love, Heal," will help one heal from a dramatic Dark Night of the Soul as mine, or even what I call a "Mini Dark Night," which can happen all the time to us in busy, modern life - simple things like being shown the finger in an unloving exchange, or being cut off on the road in traffic! In my own Dark Night of the Soul, I had to deal with … [Read more...]
Monday, October 22, 2012
ARTICLE: A Societal Health Menace
A Societal Health Menace
By Bee Jimpson
I have known for a long time that wheat was a menace to our health; even the most healthy whole grain wheat products can be detrimental. There have been different times in the past 15 years that I eliminated wheat and felt better, lost weight and gained energy. Then after a few months, I would find it difficult to maintain a wheat free diet when traveling to other countries, especially Latin American countries that rely so heavily on bread as a staple in their diets. I did not concern myself … [Read more...]
Sunday, October 21, 2012
RECIPE: Roasted Butternut Chowder with Apples & Bacon
Recipe: Roasted Butternut Chowder with Apples & Bacon
A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe This is a delicious recipe to enjoy the best of the fall flavors. To make this soup more filling, you can add some cooked brown rice. Ingredients: 1 butternut squash, about 1-1/2 pounds, peeled, seeded and cut into cubes 1 large onion, chopped 2 large apples, peeled, cored and chopped 4 turkey or pork bacon slices 1 can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 2 TBS minced garlic Salt and pepper to taste 3 TBS olive oil 1 TBS chopped fresh … [Read more...]
EDGE 20 ARTICLE: Conversations with God: The Film
Conversations with God: The Film
By Tim Miejan
An interview with Neale Donald Walsch and the film’s director, Stephen Simon
It’s a fact of life that some people find themselves unable to support themselves. There are homeless people in cities and towns across the nation, and even more worldwide. Those who have homes rarely look homeless people in the eyes. When they do give some spare change, it’s usually out of pity, rather than compassion. In their minds, they see the homeless as lazy and unwilling to work like the rest of us. In reality, they have no clue how the homeless came to be that way, or what it takes to rise from the depths.
Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversation with God books that have sold 7 million copies and have been translated into 34 languages, has been there. He picked scraps of food out of trash cans. He slept alone in a park, with only a tent and sleeping bag to his name. He panhandled for quarters and dimes on the street for nearly a year.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
ARTICLE: Max and the Fog
Max and the Fog
I was taking an early morning walk several years ago with my neighbor's black lab Max. It was early fall, and small bands of fog could be seen rising from the Minnesota river bottoms and up the bluffs and over the farmer's corn fields. Those narrow bands of fog were unique. They shifted up and down over the high and low spots in the farmer's corn field -- and this particular morning I was going to photograph this phenomenon. As we approached the floating mist, Max slowed down until the … [Read more...]
Friday, October 19, 2012
Events around town this coming week (October 19th - Oct 26th)
October 2012 Events

October 20 - Shamanic Breathwork Workshop: Awakening the Shaman Within. 10am-6pm, Shamans Hearth Spiritual Community, Burnsville, To register: or 952.250.2543.
October 20 - Learn to Communicate with your Spirit Guide: With Jurema Silva, 10am-3pm Saturday, Oct. 20 at Earthway Farm (organic & educational farm), South Haven, MN. $65. Jurema grew up experiencing healing in her native Brazil. Healing body, mind, and spirit was part of her everyday life. or 320.236.7852.
October 20 - Introduction to Quantum Techniques Self- Testing Workshop: Presented by Dr. Thomas Miller and Heidi Gilman. This workshop will be and introduction to Quantum Techniques and the technique of self-testing. Learn about Quantum Techniques and how to self-test for compatible foods and products. Saturday, Oct, 20, 9-11:30am, $25, Total Health and Healing Clinic, 11417 Hanson Blvd. NW, Suite 101, Coon Rapids, MN. Call Heidi to register at 763.208.6106.
October 20-21 - Healthy LIFE EXPO™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity - it's all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertainment. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Hall C, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700,
October 25 - Easy and Effective Astrology: Discovering Yourself Through Your Natal Chart: There is a natural order to people's personalities, their drives, their challenges and their souls. The natal chart (astrological birth chart) is a great tool better understand of the innate nature of yourself and others. You will learn an overview of what astrology is, the philosophy behind the benefits of natal astrology, and basic knowledge how to read and understand a natal chart. $49 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343,
October 26 - Energetic Contact and Exchange in Partnership: This one-day class will encompass touch and stretching; energetic exchange physically, spiritually, visually and through the breath and heart. Bring a partner to strengthen bonds. Info: or 651.491.0996.
October 26 - Aromatherapy Foundations Level 1 Certificate: This beginning level course provides the information and skills needed to begin using essential oils in safe, practical, and cost-effective ways. Essential oils are unique in that they work simultaneously on three levels of healing - therapeutically on the physical body, emotionally, and energetically. This certificate is perfect for nurses, massage and shiatsu therapists, mental health care providers, acupuncturists, hospice and palliative care - for anyone who wants clear, detailed information and techniques. $225 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343,
October 26, 27, 28 - Seminar on Near Death Experiences: Scott Taylor presents weekend seminar on Near Death Experiences-an old topic with new insights and perspectives. Taylor, a riveting speaker/educator, wrote his dissertation on NDEs and has provided audiences with greater understanding of their true essence and the nature of multi-dimensionality since. Listen: Friday, Oct. 26 (7-9pm); Saturday, Oct. 27 (10am-5pm); Sunday, Oct. 28, (1-4pm). Attend one session for an overview or all three for greater depth. $125 for all three - earlybird $110. Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602,,
Thursday, October 18, 2012
PREVIEW: Edge Life Holistic Expo Preview: Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig
Edge Life Holistic Expo Preview: Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig
By Tim Miejan
Complete Edge Life Holistic Expo Coverage | Download: Official Edge Life Holistic Expo Guide You & Your Intuition Intuition is as much a part of the human experience as sneezing, digestion and identifying the world around us with our five senses. The key, say Edge Life Expo 2012 keynote speakers Echo Bodine and Kathryn Harwig, is whether we choose to take the time to listen to our intuition and make daily life decisions based on the information we receive. Bodine and Harwig … [Read more...]
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
reveal • Paradigm Symposium Oct 18-21st.
Featuring one of the most eclectic blending of esorteric minds in the field of ancient alien research, including; Erich von Däniken, iconic author of Chariots of the Gods and 32 other books on ancient alien and astronaut theory; George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AM radio; Bill Birnes, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos and Philip Coppens from the History Channel’s H2 series - Ancient Aliens; and keynote speaker Linda Moulton Howe, and many others. DoubleTree Hotel, Minneapolis,![]() |
• Erich Von Daniken • George Noory • Philip Coppens • Giorgio A. Tsoukalos • Bill Birnes • Ian Punett • Nick Redfern • Linda Moulton Howe • John Ventre • Laird Scranton • Marie D. Jones • Larry Flaxman • David Weatherly • Dr. John Ward • Paul Von Ward • Dan Madsen • Anthony F. Sanchez • Micah Hanks • Scott Alan Roberts • |
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