October 2012 Events
![]() October 26 - Aromatherapy Foundations Level 1 Certificate: This beginning level course provides the information and skills needed to begin using essential oils in safe, practical, and cost-effective ways. Essential oils are unique in that they work simultaneously on three levels of healing - therapeutically on the physical body, emotionally, and energetically. This certificate is perfect for nurses, massage and shiatsu therapists, mental health care providers, acupuncturists, hospice and palliative care - for anyone who wants clear, detailed information and techniques. $225 - Normandale Community College, 952.358.8343, http://normandale.augusoft.net October 26, 27, 28 - Seminar on Near Death Experiences: Scott Taylor presents weekend seminar on Near Death Experiences-an old topic with new insights and perspectives. Taylor, a riveting speaker/educator, wrote his dissertation on NDEs and has provided audiences with greater understanding of their true essence and the nature of multi-dimensionality since. Listen: Friday, Oct. 26 (7-9pm); Saturday, Oct. 27 (10am-5pm); Sunday, Oct. 28, (1-4pm). Attend one session for an overview or all three for greater depth. $125 for all three - earlybird $110. Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, www.spiritunited.com, contact@spiritunited.com October 27 - Rosicrucian Open Meeting: "Cosmic Attunement" free mini workshop, 10am-noon, 4718 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale, parking in back of bldg. No reservation required. www.rosicrucian.org October 27 - Exploring Past Lives: Expect a relaxing journey into your inner space where you can connect with your dreams, forgotten places and people. 11am, $25. Sessions last 1-2 hours. Space is Limited. Please call612.508.9606 to Register in Advance. Earth & Water Wellness, 4820 Minnetonka Blvd., Suite 104, St. Louis Park. For more info:marie@earthwaterwellness.com, www.earthwaterwellness.com October 27 - Stress Relieving Techniques Workshop: Presented by Heidi Gilman, Quantum Techniques Practitioner, Shiatsu Bodywork Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist. Stress relieving techniques you can do in 15 minutes, including: Breathing, Qi gong, Guided Meditation, Quantum Techniques. Saturday, Oct. 27, 11:30am-2pm, $25, Total Health and Healing Clinic, 11417 Hanson Blvd. NW, Suite 101, Coon Rapids, MN. Call Heidi to register at 763.208.6106. October 27 - Sensual Awakening For Women! Discover the keys to unlocking your personal passion, freedom, joy & sensual self-expression! One Day Only! 1-7pm Oct. 27, Minneapolis.Presented by Devi Ward of Feminine Emergence & Authentic Tantra.™ Only $90 when you register by October 19. Register and learn more at www.femininemergence.com October 27 - Minneapolis Dances of Universal Peace: An inter faith gathering, blending sacred phrases, chant, music and movement into a living experience of Unity and sacred community. No experience necessary, free-will donation. 7pm, Center for the Performing Arts, 3754 Pleasant Ave., Mpls,www.PeaceDanceMN.com, 612.827.4424. October 27 & 28 - Fundamentals of Intuition and Healing Basics: In this two-day, life-transforming intensive class, we will teach you basic skills to connect to your inner voice of intuition and knowing. You will also learn basic healing techniques. Learn how healing carries energy and vibration. You will learn to be present with these new frequencies to facilitate self-healing, healing for friends and family, and distance healing for others. Info:www.TheNextSense.com or 651.491.0996. October 27, November 5 & 12 - Retirement from the Inside Out: Eagan Community Center. Interactive, lively 3-part workshop designed to help you create and plan your Best retirement. For details: www.seekinnerwisdom.com, Cindy Schultz 612.701.5574. |
November 2012 Events
November 3-4 - Minneapolis Holistic Expo:Featuring return of Gregg Braden, first-ever combined talk by Echo Bodine & Kathryn Harwig and much more, 85 exhibitors with gifts, healing and information, daily free workshops. New Venue: Earle Brown Heritage Center, acres of free parking. Advance admission & speaker tickets on sale now at Edgelife.net. Exhibit now: call Dee at 715.259.3047 or Gary at toll-free 1.888.776.7616. November 3, 8, 15 - Retirement from the Inside Out: Ramada Plaza, Minneapolis. Interactive, lively 3-part workshop designed to help you create and plan your Best retirement. For details: www.seekinnerwisdom.com, Cindy Schultz 612.701.5574. November 7, 14, 28 - Spiritual Wisdom on Karma and Reincarnation: Are you ready to put the puzzle pieces together that link this life to your past lives? Understand the interplay of karma and reincarnation and lead a more joy-filled life. Find keys to spiritual liberation today! Free three-week class. Wednesdays, November 7, 14, and 28, 7-8:30pm, Eckankar. TempleofECK.org, 952.380.2200, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen. Pre-register, free booklet! November 10 - The Complete Color Therapy Seminar: Can you become really proficient in color therapy in 1 day? You certainly can. Join Rose Peterson for a fun day of Spectrochrome and Holistic Color Therapies. Rose is the inventor of Spectrochrome Glass Filters™ and the author of the Colored Light Therapy Course. Demonstrations, rules, hot tips and de-mystifications. For home practitioners, professionals and intuitives. Advantages, discounts, and registration on website. $45. Carondelet Center, Rose Peterson 541.741.4988, coloredlighttherapy.com/ November 11 - Spirit United Church Fall Festival! Readers to open heart/mind to challenges/opportunities of the times, soothing healings, lunch, bake sale. $5 per ticket. Silent auction and vendors. Sunday, Nov. 11, 12:30-5pm, 3204 Como Ave SE, Minneapolis, 612.378.3602, www.spiritunited.com,contact@spiritunited.com November 17 - Quantum Techniques Self-Testing Level 2: Presented by Dr. Thomas Miller and Heidi Gilman. This workshop is a deeper level of self-testing. You must have attended level 1 and be proficient in self-testing. Learn trauma release technique. Saturday, Nov. 17, 9-11:30am, $25, Total Health and Healing Clinic, 11417 Hanson Blvd. NW, Suite 101, Coon Rapids, MN. Call Heidi to register at 763.208.6106. |
Upcoming & Ongoing
January 12-13 - Healthy Life Expo™: Nutrition, Fitness and Longevity - it's all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations and entertainment. 10am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Minneapolis Convention Center, 1302 2nd St., Minneapolis. Admission $6 or Free with a donation for the Food Shelf. Exhibit or attend: 952.238.1700, www.MediaMaxEvents.com March 8-10, 2013 - Donna Eden Event: Appearing with Davie Feinstein, Ph.D., coming to St. Louis March 8, 9, 10, 2013. Sheraton Westport Chalet, 191 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO. Sponsored by MidWest Energy Movement. Contact Gail Van Kanegan at gail@MidWestEnergyMovement.comor 507.244.1994. Ongoing - Reiki Training and / or Reiki Healing Sessions:Available any weekend through Rachel Miejan, Reiki by Miejan. Contact Rachel at 651.735.2863 or email rachel.miejan@gmail.com and visit ReikibyMiejan.com |
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