Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012: The Theories, The Prophecies, The Aftermath

2012: The Theories, The Prophecies, The Aftermath

The thought of the year 2012 brings to the minds of many images of gloom and doom, death and destruction, and the potential reemergence of mankind from its ashes. In the last few years there have been countless books, movies and television specials discussing what the authors believe will happen on December 21, 2012. After investigating all of the available evidence, I have come to my own conclusion as to what will happen on that highly anticipated date.
Before I jump to the punch line and tell you what I believe, let’s spend a few minutes investigating some of the prophecies that have been associated with the 2012 event, and let’s take a look at some of the theories describing what is believed will happen.
Read the full article, and others like it at:


  1. Please, please, please, please stop the madness. It has become commonplace to use the above graphic when referencing the Mayan 2012 calendar issue. This is an Aztec calendar. No - wait - it is THE Aztec calendar. It's on Mexican money, it's iconic. It is NOT MAYAN. Thank you.

  2. Hi Kate...

    I will let the Editor know... the name of the graphic probably said something to the effect that it was the Mayan Calendar when he was pulling it from the sources they use for graphics. Sorry for the confusion.

  3. @Kate --- we have now updated to a corrected picture :) Thank you for letting us know!
