Near-death experiences…
It was the first two of these near-death experiences that were to play a role in my personal awakening process. Not that I realized it at the time, of course, but by looking back on it now, I see how pivotal these experiences were in my life. I’d had my share of troubles by then, and I was just beginning to make a life for myself and figure out who I was.
When I got word that grandpa was dying early in 1993, I drove up to Minnesota from Texas to be with the family as he died.
My grandfather had lived a full life and had been the one person I knew I could count on if needed. He dedicated his life to his family, and all that he did revolved around doing things for others. I’d always thought of him as a dinosaur, in a way, a relic to by-gone days when people were more community oriented. His entire family, including my grandmother, his children and grandchildren, were gathered around his bed telling him how much we loved him as he passed. I left Minnesota feeling quite at peace with Grandpa’s death, knowing that he certainly had earned such a loving send off.
In 1994, I received word that my father was in the hospital with small chance of recovery. Once again I made the trek up to Minnesota for my last chance to see him.
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