Everything and Everyone Really is Connected
We’re at cruising altitude, and I’m in a window seat. Outside are clouds — pleasant, white, puffy ones. It was a little chilly on the way to the airport, but the sun is out, and it should be fine as the day moves along. I’m gazing at the clouds — not really thinking. Then I begin to notice that I’m part of the clouds, and the clouds are part of me. The plane, too — the plane and the clouds and each of the other people in the plane is a part of me and I am part of them. We’re all connected. I become aware of more and more aspects of my surroundings that are part of me: the seat back in front of me, the tray, the food, the magazines, all the other people’s clothes and belongings. Everything is connected, everything is really one. I am deeply comfortable and relaxed, and very happy (not a usual state for me at this time in my life). This is an inner awareness, a fundamental knowing, that is more real than anything I have ever experienced with my senses in the outer world.
Read the full article, and others like it at: http://edgemagazine.net/2012/02/everything-and-everyone/
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