Feng Shui Amore
Love revealed through the power of intention
The author and her husband Tom were married in the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, Tibet.
I was divorced and happily single for 13 years. I had a satisfying career, a Feng Shui practice I loved, a wonderful family and terrific group of friends. I was proud of my accomplishments and content with my life. As it turns out, Feng Shui friends had different plans for me. In their wisdom, they know romance has the potential to enhance even the most wonderful life. With gentle and loving encouragement, they prompted me to consider “calling in” a relationship — as we like to say in Feng Shui.
“Calling in,” a Feng Shui term, refers to a two-step process of setting an intention. The first step is making a thoughtful and clear decision about what you want to change or have happen in a certain area of your life. The second step involves utilizing the energy of your environment to support that intention.
It is easy to entertain a romantic notion of calling in a partner; however, serious consideration had to be given to this potentially life-changing act. Was I willing to make the time to devote to a relationship? How easily could I imagine a partner fitting into my community of friends and family, or my home? These questions are both emotional and practical.
Read the full article, and others like it at: http://edgemagazine.net/2012/02/feng-shui-amore/
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