Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bring gentleness and gratitude to your harvesting

Bring gentleness and gratitude to your harvesting

An excerpt from the book, Plant Whatever Brings You Joy
It happened that during a time my daughter and I were living in Amsterdam, the small community at Findhorn was garnering headlines in Scotland. Many readers might well be familiar with Peter and Eileen Caddy’s story. Peter, a Scottish businessman, and his wife, Eileen, found themselves making an unlikely move to Findhorn, north of Edinburgh, on the Moray Firth, where their inner guidance directed them to begin a garden.
The locals smirked behind their backs because the land was quite sandy and arid and salty and farmers were certain Peter was truly daft and delusional to begin to grow anything on such land. But Peter and Eileen were true to their inner directives and began to cultivate many varieties of vegetables and plants. ...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Embodied Leadership

Embodied Leadership

These days we are bombarded with an array of communication, media and technology demanding we always be “on.” At some point, this distraction and stress can catch up to our natural system, leaving us depleted, unfocused and disconnected from ourselves.
To be embodied means you “turn-off” the external distractions and “tune-in” to your inner wisdom and natural rhythm. This results in clarity of mind and renewed enthusiasm that extends to your actions and connections with others. You move as one. Through this practice, you are more effective in leading and creating what you desire.
As a consultant, I work with individuals and organizations offering different techniques and tools to practice embodiment. I encourage people to use the following five principles: ...

Thursday, March 29, 2012



The truth burns inside me
As though it were lies
That’s the thing about abuse
It has its own life
Your life
Is its life
But no one sees it
Save you
And you walk about
All normal
Something random happens

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

In-betweeners: My Unexpected Awakening

In-betweeners: My Unexpected Awakening

The first 44 years of my life was, for the most part, like many others. I had a job, a family, a home; I was married and participated in this world like many others do. For a while I did the religion thing, the God thing, the angels and guides thing, but have since ended all of that, too! I read and listened to the truths and perspectives of others, but as I did, I began to become aware of what was not true or accurate. So I stopped reading other’s truths and writings, because I could not get through them any longer.
Everything began to shift for me in 1998. I had no idea where I was going, or what doors would open or close within my life. ...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You don't have to stay stuck

Author Event March 29th

Author Event

at Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 3038 Hennepin Ave. S, Minneapolis, 612.822.4611,

• Thursday, March 29, 7:30 p.m. — Matt Abrahams leads a workshop based on his book, Speaking Up Without Freaking Out: 25 Techniques for Confident Calm and Competent Presenting — Concerned about an upcoming interview? Anxious about being asked to provide your thoughts during a meeting? Fearful of being required to give a presentation? Many of us are uneasy about speaking in public. In fact, The Book of Lists identifies speaking in front of others as Americans’ number one fear. Come hear Matt Abrahams, author ofSpeaking Up Without Freaking Out: 35 Techniques for Confident, Calm, and Competent Presenting, deliver a workshop designed to provide you with several practical techniques you can use to manage your speaking anxiety. ...
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Psychic John Peterson

Monday, March 26, 2012

Minnetonka Animal Hospital

Perfect Love

Perfect Love

If I could do anything, I would see as God sees, and love as God loves. Just saying this out loud, and writing it on this page, I feel the longing for such an openness and loving connection welling up within my breast.
But what preposterous thoughts! How could I even begin to recognize what God sees and how God loves? An ocean in a teaspoon? Such presumptuousness! Disregard hope for that freedom, that peace, that joy.
God says: “Beloved, I am with you and within you. Your thoughts are My thoughts. Your loves are My loves.”
“Thank you,” I say. “But how can I see what You see, when I’m locked into this small mind and body?”
“What I see, you also shall see. What I love, you also shall love. We are not so different as you might suppose. Consider even now, through your own eyes, you can see the ripples of love emanating from the smile of an infant, from the movements of a chipmunk, from the majesty of a mountain, the tranquility of a calm lake, the energy of a thunderstorm, and the colors of a sunset.”
“And that which I fear and hate,” I ask, “how do You see them?” ...
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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Colon Hydrotherapy

My “Ah Ha” Experience of God Realization

My “Ah Ha” Experience of God Realization

My world took an incredible turn recently that changed my life forever! For several decades my husband and I were devoted students of what we thought of as the highest path. We both thrived in our love for God, service and spiritual practices. I dwelled on exercises in heavens above the soul plane and my husband did out of body travel nightly with Spiritual Masters.
Yet, in spite of our devotion, love and focus, something was missing. We longed for a deeper connection with God. We felt like two beached dolphins, so we prayed to God for God Realization.
God Realization is the highest state of consciousness an individual can reach. It is the purpose, goal and driving force behind the ups and downs of daily life, an ongoing training that can take lifetimes to reach. ...
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Faith is a Dirty Word

Faith is a Dirty Word

You can’t even bring up the word Faith without automatically putting yourself on the opposite side of the fence as logic. And the society we live in worships logic. Being a person of faith means that you believe in the illogical, the irrational, the mysterious, the flighty — the make-believe. If something is not touchable, seeable and provable, you are not allowed to talk about it, not in intelligent company. The only approach to matters of faith, most people believe, is through speculation and/or wishful thinking and is therefore useless, unless you’re dying, and then only as an opiate to soften the blow.
But in reality, what does all this mean? Whence the malice toward faith? Skipping over the part, for now, where millions of people use it as an excuse to slaughter each other, what do the rationalists really have against it? Oh, and we have to mention the other part about keeping the masses huddled in fear, the fear of going to hell if they disagree with the Holy Fathers, the mullahs, or whoever else claims to have a direct line to God. And this is where it really began (and where it continues today) – the turf war between rationalists and intuitives – the battle between those who think that truth is a done deal and those who want to explore the options. ...
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Connect with Loved Ones on the Other Side

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Advice Column: Do you believe in Magic?

Do you believe in Magic?

Spirited Kidz
Editor’s note: Names have been changed to protect privacy.
Hi Nadine,
We’ve read Harry Potter. We’ve seen Twilight. We wanted to know whether you believe in Magic? — Angela and Clare, Duluth, MN
Do I believe in magic? Who doesn’t? Whether spelled with a “c” or a “k,” magic is everywhere — you only have to speak to a Denver Bronco’s fan about that singular halo cloud that floated directly above the Mile High Stadium as they stormed to victory in the AFC playoffs to know that.
Some people call magic a “synchronicity,” others call it a “Godwink” and some prefer the term “miracle!” Whatever the term, the source is the same — it’s divine.
When Sarah’s son Mark was diagnosed with dyslexia, the prognosis for Mark’s future at school looked grim. As an English teacher, Sarah knew how hard it could be for children with dyslexia to learn to read. After all, even Einstein — the most famous dyslexic of them all — struggled through school. Yet, Sarah also believed in Godwinks, in miracles, in magic, and so she held strong to the belief that not only would Mark learn to read, he’d enjoy school and experience success — and he has!
Divine magic paves our way with solutions. It ensures that we are in the right place at the right time with the right resources — but it’s still down to us to make the leap, and whatever our age (whether child, teen or adult) it is the courage to follow our faith that puts the “I” into magic. ...
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Living on Purpose

Friday, March 23, 2012

Alternatives for Healing

Blast from the Past :: (1992) Straddling both worlds

Straddling both worlds

It’s supposed to be easy. But, let me tell you, after reading Wayne Dyer’sYou’ll See It When You Believe it, experiencing The Futures Group (previously Executive Futures) course and having good friends who “understand” abundance, I am still finding it challenging. One of my clients suggested creating a T-shirt that reads, “This is only my form.” And yes, I know our souls are larger than our bodies, and yes, I know positive energy attracts positive energy — but wait a minute — how do I learn to live in the everyday world when I feel continually connected to my Higher Self, my Higher Power, and everybody else?
I’m sorry to say most of the world still operates on scarcity. For many people, the thinking is purely left brain, right-wrong, hierarchical and polarized. That means either / or rather than and. I dream in a world of intuition, paradoxes, and letting go. Many of my working colleagues believe in control — control of themselves, control of others, controlling the environment. I believe we can create conditions, facilitate, but not “produce” outcomes. ...
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Marriage & Family Therapist

Thursday, March 22, 2012

‘A Cabaret of Consciousness’ coming to St. Paul

‘A Cabaret of Consciousness’ coming to St. Paul

A Cabaret of Consciousness, a one-woman musical starring Gina Citoli, brings us Mama Earth as you've never seen her before. She is coming to rock The Cabaret at Camp Bar in downtown St. Paul - and Mama has a plan. However, to put her plan into action she must first encourage humanity to wake up to their true power and potential - then anything is possible! With song, story, humor and candid conversation, Mother Earth ignites imagination, arouses the mind and inspires the heart with a wealth … [Read more...]

We have answers to your health challenges

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

10% off any one item!

Anxiety may be triggered by your body, not your head

Anxiety may be triggered by your body, not your head

Have you been diagnosed with anxiety or depression? If so, do any of the following scenarios, based on actual people and events, sound familiar?
Jordan feels constantly tense and nervous and startles at the slightest noise, jumps at a stranger brushing past him, winces at bright lights and, as the day goes by, feels progressively fatigued and depleted. He worries constantly that he won’t make it through the day and meet his family and work obligations. He’s been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and put on Xanax, an anti-anxiety drug.
LaTisha feels vertigo, loss of balance and terror while walking up or down stairs, taking an escalator or walking along a catwalk, even only one floor up. She’s been diagnosed with a phobic disorder and put on BuSpar, an anti-anxiety drug.
Abdul experiences waves of panic that come on suddenly. His heart races, his pulse throbs, the world spins, and he can hardly catch his breath. He feels as if he’s dying and losing his mind. He’s been diagnosed with panic disorder and put on Paxil, an anti-depressant.
Marisol feels afraid to leave the house. When she does, she suffers a panic attack that comes out of nowhere-sitting in church, shopping at the supermarket, standing in line at the bank, or driving down the street. She’s been diagnosed with agoraphobia and put on Zoloft, an anti-depressant. ...
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Moonlight & Magic

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Herbal Remedies for Three ‘Collegiate’ STIs/STDs

Herbal Remedies for Three ‘Collegiate’ STIs/STDs

An education isn’t the only thing many college students “get” at college. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 20-25 percent of college students in the United States have either been infected with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or have transmitted an STI to their sex partner(s). Two out of three STIs are found in people under the age of 25, and there are about 9 million new cases each year.
Incidentally, an STI is an infection, but after it causes symptoms, it’s considered a sexually transmitted disease, or STD. Let’s look at the three most common STIs/STDs and ways to treat them using herbal medicines instead of, or in addition to, regular drugs.
Herbal Treatments for HPV
One in four college students is infected with human papillomavirus (HPV), making it the most common STI. HPV can cause cancer, but it is such a common infection that a healthy immune system has no problem countering it. ...
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Which piece of the pie do you want?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Personal Evolution Astrology

Compassionate dialoguing with the “spirit of place” for positive property outcomes

Compassionate dialoguing with the “spirit of place” for positive property outcomes

Everything is connected, but did you realize you could be having a more compassionate relationship to your home and your property, for the highest good of all?
Everybody and everything is an inseparable part of the whole big reality we experience together here on earth. Our environment has an impact on our consciousness, which affects our behavior, and our consciousness, our emotions and thoughts have an impact on our environment. This “love consciousness” connects different aspects of a property.
As a remote energy healer, I was recently asked to “read” a rental property with the intention of finding out how this place could be energetically and economically more supportive and satisfying for the landlord and the neighborhood. During the reading, all aspects of this place were allowed to speak. My remote viewing provided the following energetic information:

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The Meta Institute Presents

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fargo Health & Holistic Expo

Bonus Article: Feline Wisdom | Play

Feline Wisdom | Play

How much of your day is spent “playing?” Really — think about it. In a world where working overtime is applauded and rushing our kids from activity to activity has become the norm, who’s got time to relax, laugh, and truly enjoy life?
One of the reasons I am writing about this subject is to remind myself of this very thing. I spend much of my day working from home. I love what I do, but I sometimes become driven and look past a game with my kids or a walk in the woods because there’s always “something I have to do.” Some days I even eat while I’m working. I have to remind myself to take breaks, read a book, play with the cats, or enjoy some music with my husband. It’s not that I don’t enjoy doing those things, I just desire more balance in my life where play comes more naturally.
Honestly, sometimes when I’m working at the computer and my cats are playing with a catnip toy, I feel inspired. They remind me how easily it can be to cut loose and be completely present with something so incredibly carefree. And they create play out of anything, right? A milk jug ring becomes a batt-able little piece of magic they carry around in their mouth or even pick up with their paw. A box transforms into a secret hideaway and a drippy faucet is suddenly a toy and a tasty refreshment. I love to more regularly find simplicity and joy in the simple things. I want my own magic milk jug ring!
When can I find these moments of perfect presence and playfulness? ...
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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Full Moon, New Moon Channelings & Healings

Meet some of the vendors at the MBS Expo this weekend!

Each year, Body Mind Life Expo™ brings together experts qualified to help you reach your health and fitness goals.You’ll also find the motivational tips and tools to help you achieve more balance, success and happiness in your life. From anti-aging and relaxation products to the latest in healthy solutions for your home and unique vacation ideas, it’s all here.

Start feeling better and more fulfilled.

Highlights this year include the return of “Biggest Loser” Season 9 contestant Hampton O’Neal, who will launch his new foundation at this show. Also: A vast array of information and products related to health and wellness. Expo Hotline: 612.798.7256. Admission is $3 with the half-price coupon available online at – and free for kids 17 and under when accompanied by an adult. Be sure to visit the exhibitors below.

Matrix Energetics & Raindrop Massage

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reiki I & II Classes

Recipe: Bean Salad

Recipe: Bean Salad

A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe
This dish is absolutely delicious as a side dish or as a salsa to scoop up with corn chips. I think you’ll enjoy the tangy sweetness of this protein-packed, easy-to-make dish.

Several celery stalks, diced
1 onion, diced
1 can black-eyed peas, drained and rinsed
1 can pinto beans, drained and rinsed
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup frozen sweet corn, cooked
Sea salt to taste
1/2 cup unrefined olive oil
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/8 cup agave nectar
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl except for the olive oil, apple cider vinegar and agave nectar.
Combine the olive oil, apple cider vinegar and agave nectar in a sauce pan and heat. Taste and adjust ingredients to your liking. Remove immediately when it first starts to boil. Allow this sauce to cool thoroughly and gently toss over the beans and veggies mixture. Serve at room temperature.
Copyright © 2012 Maggie Christopher. All Rights Reserved.

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Retreat Centers & Spas :: Deadline March 19th

Each month, The Edge spotlights one general group that is an essential part of our Holistic Community. All information and articles related to the community - including a link to your email and website - also are placed on our Community website page for one year. Visit our Community page. 

April Edge Community listings: 
Retreats & SpasRETREATS

DEADLINE: March 19

In our April edition, The Edge magazine will profile those who offer Retreats & Spas throughout the Upper Midwest ...and beyond. We invite you to be included and to have your Community listing seen by The Edge readership throughout the region.

For only $50, we will list your contact info [name, business, address, phone, email, website] and up to 50 words describing what you provide to the community. Our Retreats & Spas listings will appear separately in the center spread of the April edition of The Edge magazine. It is our way to inform the public about the good you are doing, and our way to spotlight you and your business in particular.

ORDER ONLINE: Our Online Store allows you to immediately buy your Community listing and provide your information to us immediately. We invite you to purchase your Community listing at our secure site. Or, feel free to call 763.433.9291 or email us.

Buy Now

Call or email to learn how The Edge can promote the Retreats & Spas you provide in our upcoming April edition! The deadline is Monday, March 19. Please forward this to others who may be interested in being included in our April Edge Community! 


Cathy Jacobsen  |  763.433.9291  | 

Holistic Healing and Psychic Fair

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Your gifts will heal the world

The New Plastics

In a classic scene in The Graduate, young Ben is at his college graduation party when a friend of his parents takes him aside and earnestly whispers, “plastics.” That industry will be the next rage, the fellow hints, and if Ben is smart he’ll get in on the ground floor.
Fast forward to 2012. A young acupuncturist phones my Hay House Radio show, “Get Real,” and confesses her fear that she will not be able to earn enough money to provide for her family, including her little child. I whisper to her, “Transformational Services” and leave a pregnant pause for the message to sink in.
I go on to tell the woman that in the years to come we will see increasing change, disorientation and turmoil as many social systems and institutions will likely disintegrate. They will be replaced by new systems rooted in truth, vision and service rather than fear, greed and illusion. As people are pushed out of old comfort zones and lifestyles, they will be hungry for answers, relief and skills to shift into more authentic and rewarding careers, relationships and living situations. At such a time anyone connected to spiritual principles and tools will be in high demand and of great service.
If you are a teacher, healer, massage therapist, coach, speaker, minister or counselor offering services to uplift individuals or groups, the universe has a job for you. In the world as we have known it, where many people are clinging to methods and systems based on shallow values and false security, you may not be sought out, acknowledged or paid well for your work. But in the coming epoch in which people need integrity more than hype, they will be happy to pay you to soothe their journey and accelerate their evolution. ...
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Restore your Path