Living a Fantasy or Living my Truth?
“Is it not a gift when the imagination is given permission to soar, in living color, limitless in its desires?” I asked. How sad and tragic it is when people are so stuck in sameness and their limiting beliefs that they cannot see the blessing that awaits them.
I imagined that I could set any goal and bring it to life. I had dreams. I wondered, “If I could do anything I wanted, what would it be?”
Days passed as I relived that conversation numerous times in my mind, hearing what I felt were offensive words, feeling a bit betrayed and rather wounded for several weeks. Then one day, it was as if a switch flipped in my thinking, and I quickly shifted my emotions from feeling bad to being glad.
In truth, I always knew that they broke the mold when I was born, and many of my ways are unique, original, and one of a kind. I certainly am not created to be a follower, but to be an encourager and a guide to awaken others. I am willing to step outside of the box and dare to be different. This gives me the ability to imagine impossibilities as possibilities.
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