Perfect Love
But what preposterous thoughts! How could I even begin to recognize what God sees and how God loves? An ocean in a teaspoon? Such presumptuousness! Disregard hope for that freedom, that peace, that joy.
God says: “Beloved, I am with you and within you. Your thoughts are My thoughts. Your loves are My loves.”
“Thank you,” I say. “But how can I see what You see, when I’m locked into this small mind and body?”
“What I see, you also shall see. What I love, you also shall love. We are not so different as you might suppose. Consider even now, through your own eyes, you can see the ripples of love emanating from the smile of an infant, from the movements of a chipmunk, from the majesty of a mountain, the tranquility of a calm lake, the energy of a thunderstorm, and the colors of a sunset.”
“And that which I fear and hate,” I ask, “how do You see them?” ...
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