The New Plastics
Fast forward to 2012. A young acupuncturist phones my Hay House Radio show, “Get Real,” and confesses her fear that she will not be able to earn enough money to provide for her family, including her little child. I whisper to her, “Transformational Services” and leave a pregnant pause for the message to sink in.
I go on to tell the woman that in the years to come we will see increasing change, disorientation and turmoil as many social systems and institutions will likely disintegrate. They will be replaced by new systems rooted in truth, vision and service rather than fear, greed and illusion. As people are pushed out of old comfort zones and lifestyles, they will be hungry for answers, relief and skills to shift into more authentic and rewarding careers, relationships and living situations. At such a time anyone connected to spiritual principles and tools will be in high demand and of great service.
If you are a teacher, healer, massage therapist, coach, speaker, minister or counselor offering services to uplift individuals or groups, the universe has a job for you. In the world as we have known it, where many people are clinging to methods and systems based on shallow values and false security, you may not be sought out, acknowledged or paid well for your work. But in the coming epoch in which people need integrity more than hype, they will be happy to pay you to soothe their journey and accelerate their evolution. ...
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