Incubating Your Dream…
I have been a passionate vivid dreamer since childhood; it is an intuitive gift I lovingly embrace. However, there are some nights I wake up from a dream when I have lost a detail or two I feel is very important; or there is a question which startles me left unanswered from a dream. When I am feeling this way, I know I need to sit with the dream and let it wash over my body, mind and spirit. After a day of embracing the pieces of the dream, I take it into incubation to unravel the missing images or questions left unanswered.
I have developed my own ritual of incubating a dream; I am not reinventing the wheel, rather I am manifesting a style that works with me. I have accepted this as my sacred ritual whenever I am given a dream too overwhelming for me to translate.
To incubate your dream, I suggest sitting with the dream from which you need or want more answers. You may have to do this several nights in a row, and maybe up to two weeks for those who do not recall their dreams often. If your question is not being answered or a resolution for an issue is not appearing for you, I suggest you take time some down time after a week before continuing on with the other steps.
Some dreams have clear meanings; some dreams take longer to interpret only because there is healing involved, or because messages given to a dreamer are not being received openly. Do not get discouraged! All dreams have a translation special to the dreamer; sometimes the meaning comes in pieces and belongs to a larger puzzle the dreamer needs to spend time fitting together.
Set your Intention. The most important part of dream incubation is setting an intention. Be clear on your intention, not vague; the clearer your intention, the more likely your dream will be easier to translate. What would you like your dreaming mind to weigh in on? Example intention questions: “What is it I need clarity about?” And, “What in my life needs attention?”
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