Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monastic Chanting: Monks of the Desert
Monastic Chanting: Monks of the Desert
I came into choir one day. I had already been a monk for over 47 years. Someone had asked me about how it felt to chant. That question had never crossed my mind. In our tradition, a monk or a nun chants whether he or she feels well or ill, whether he or she feels good or bad, whether he or she feels anger or happiness. A monk simply chants. If a monk gives himself totally to the chanting, then all feelings begin to take second place.
Although rarely adverted to, this is the goal of all communication, with one another and with God. We want to be in communion with one another. That simply means that we want to be in union with one another in order to understand one another and communicate in such a way that each of us is both understood and understanding. the full article, and others like it at:
Sunday, May 27, 2012
The Stone Crone will share on the Soul’s Journey
The Stone Crone will share on the Soul’s Journey
Denise Poole
Denise Poole, “the Stone Crone” [] will offer private Stonesoul Readings on May 18-20 in Maple Grove, her first appearance in Minnesota. This is an opportunity to explore your soul’s journey and gain insight into your own spiritual design and contractual agreements you made prior to incarnation. Something miraculous happens in a reading: sacred space is created and soul wisdom is exchanged.
Denise’s communion with stones unfolded over 25 years — 12 spent in New Zealand where she collected more than a million stones — and she gained the awareness of the ancient wisdom and information they hold. She became a conscious channel for the Earth Mother. The stones became her teachers, guiding her on many other-worldly adventures.
Schedule individual Stonesoul Readings in Maple Grove, MN, by contacting Sheryl or Dale Fisher at 763.420.9017.
Copyright © 2012 Staff Reports. All Rights Reserved.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012
Ten Years of Love: 2001 – 2011
Ten Years of Love: 2001 – 2011
By Mari Perron
We became vulnerable. We began a shift to realizing that as a nation and personally, we couldn’t control everything. Even if we had enough money, which we soon realized we didn’t, we couldn’t solve all the world’s problems. Maybe we weren’t meant to…but how could we get out of it? How could we let events unfold around the world with their own timing and not feel at risk?
Parents confronted the same question at home. Doing everything for their children, trying to solve every problem, was resulting in entitlement and depression rather than happiness or confidence. It was building their own stress and the defensive walls that trying to control everything erects.
The Dalai Lama spoke to us in 2001, to Western nations, about our depression in his book on Ethics. He recognized that Buddhist teachings assume a healthy self-image that we didn’t have. He spoke of his surprise over this — that in wealthy nations people were less happy and less satisfied than in poor nations. the full article, and others like it at:
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Spiritual Classrooms: Ecstatic Teachings
The Spiritual Classrooms: Ecstatic Teachings
In spite of all the spiritual teaching now taking place, few have heard of “the spiritual classrooms” — the original source of teaching where the world’s oldest wisdom traditions have received guidance, healing, and spiritual know-how. With music, rhythm, and ecstatic talk, these original productions are infused with spirit and delivered as a direct transmission of the teachings Bradford Keeney personally received through his own visits to the spiritual classrooms over the course of many years.
“There is more to knowledge than what colleges and universities teach, including the college of hard knocks and street smarts,” reads the online intro to The Spiritual Classrooms. “In the world of spirit there are virtual classrooms, outside the radar of scientific measurement, where the highest transformative teachings are dispersed. This is the original mystery school.
“When you have a rope to God, you may be led to these extraordinary classrooms. Here you are infused with life force, transformed, and anointed to help others. The teachings you bring back help awaken hearts and renew souls.” the full article, and others like it at:
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The Brighterlife Project: Intuitive Living for Beginners
The Brighterlife Project: Intuitive Living for Beginners
I began by viewing my lifestyle through the eyes of a stranger. Applying shamanism to my existence, I was able to shake my ego and spend time in reflection and meditation. I made the decision to replace all my bad habits with good, taking time to recognize personal failings and move on from them.
I’ve changed what I eat and how it is consumed. I found ways to develop my body, treating every situation as one where I would need to be at my peak performance. Instead of putting poison after poison into my body, I’ve replaced them with micro-nutrients. Instead of being lazy and restless, I exhaust myself with exercise. Instead of being angry, offended or self-righteous, I try to be patient and understanding, allowing situations to unfold naturally — watch and learn.
I went deep within. Conversing with my soul, watching the signs of life and paying attention to the opportunity for spiritual growth. I began trusting my intuition and following my heart.
Now I live by a series of guidelines I call the brighterlife. Here are some of them. the full article, and find others like it at:
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Signs of the Coming Transformation to Appear
Signs of the Coming Transformation to Appear
The Coming Transformation
From the depth of its present problems and sorrows, humanity will find hope. So much that is taking place is positive and auspicious for the race that (humankind) can be assured of an early lessening of their problems — not all at once, but gradually, little by little. Gradually, also, men will learn the true reasons for their present anguish. They will come to understand that humanity is One, integral and related by long association and common ancestry; related, too, by its common divinity. the full article, and others like it at:
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Recipe: Banana or Pineapple Sticky Rice
Recipe: Banana or Pineapple Sticky Rice
A Gluten-free, Dairy-free Whole Food Recipe
1 1/2 cups sushi rice
3 cups water
2 TBS raw agave nectar
1 TBS of vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
2 cans of organic coconut milk
Chunks of banana or pineapple
3 cups water
2 TBS raw agave nectar
1 TBS of vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
2 cans of organic coconut milk
Chunks of banana or pineapple
...find the full recipe, and others like it at:
Monday, May 21, 2012
An Indifferent Planet
An Indifferent Planet
If you had the choice of making a positive difference in someone’s day or not making any difference at all, what would you choose?
Most people would say that they would make the positive difference. Who wouldn’t want to brighten someone’s day?
But when we’re not consciously presented with the choice, most of us don’t make a difference — or worse, we negatively impact someone or something else. the full article, and others like it at:
Sunday, May 20, 2012
An Author’s Road to Self-Discovery
An Author’s Road to Self-Discovery
The adults in my life, of course, did not have the same courtesy or intelligence as these creatures and always persisted in extracting a conversation out of me. I had to hear the ridiculous “cat got your tongue” more times than I care to admit, but in all truthfulness, it was not that I had nothing to say, it was that I preferred not to say it to them. The cats were far better listeners and judges of character in my young opinion. the full article, and find others at:
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Every Teenager Should See This
Every Teenager Should See This
Popularity is an illusion that ends on graduation day.
It’s attachment you feel, not love.
Those who cultivate their talents at an early age usually do great things in life.
Don’t believe them. Your teenage years are not your best years.
Video games and TV are traps that millions have fallen into. Don’t become a zombie.
Most people follow the same old blueprint for life. Most people are also unhappy. What does this tell you?
Actors and rock stars are rarely good role models. Be careful who you look up to.
If you truly like yourself, others will, too.
A good reason to do well in school is to give yourself options later in life.
Never be afraid to ask for help.
Having tons of money, a nice house, and a fancy car does not mean you’ll be happy.
A good reason to do well in school is to give yourself options later in life.
Never be afraid to ask for help.
Having tons of money, a nice house, and a fancy car does not mean you’ll be happy.
Seek happiness first.
The reason so many are unhappy is because they are asleep. Wake up to life and see what is already around you.
The reason so many are unhappy is because they are asleep. Wake up to life and see what is already around you. the full article, and others like it at:
Friday, May 18, 2012
Inner Peace Festival to promote Meditation, Healing
Inner Peace Festival to promote Meditation, Healing
The Center of Light, a non-denominational Christian Mystical Center in Uptown, is sponsoring the event. Its mission includes the perpetuation of inner peace through meditation and healing. The regional director of the center of Light, Lucille Michaels, states this as her vision of the Inner Peace Festival: “A place where the energy of healing, mutual love and open hearts can draw diverse people together in an experience of peace and compassion.”
The event will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 19 across from Wilde Roast Cafe overlooking the river on Main Street SE between Merriam Street and Central Avenue NE, Minneapolis.
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Thursday, May 17, 2012
How can the individual change the nature of society?
How can the individual change the nature of society?
By Adam Bliwas
The problem, as we see it, is that none of these consumable products actually gives us that meaning or grounded sense of beauty and awe in a world so full of that and much more. To find real meaning in our lives, we must a take a vastly different approach, one that does not require paper or plastic money. the full article, and others like it at:
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The Bear
The Bear
My dream would go like this: I would be in a dark forest with large trees that would be making noise. I was always on a path trying to reach a destination (much like Little Red Riding Hood) and then I would realize someone was following me. I would then see the bear — a very large bear — and I would be frightened. I would always try to get ahead of her by running as fast as I could, but I could never move. I was always in the paralyzed dream state.
Out of fear, I would wake up.
The oddest thing for me to grasp at such a young age was this: I grew up in a city in a large, old house, and my bedroom was on the second floor. I would try to fall asleep when I’d see this huge bear’s head looking at me through my screen window.
It was alive, and very real. the full article, and others like it at:
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Sister connection: Reading between the words
Sister connection: Reading between the words
She is 47 years old and lives in a supervised setting and is very happy with her life. She has a job, lots of friends and a full social calendar.
I received a letter from her one morning. When I pulled it out of our mailbox, I was amazed that it even made it to me.
Her handwriting is very difficult to read. Usually when she sends us things, the address is written by the staff that takes care of her. This letter arrived in a long business envelope with six Elvis stamps pasted across the top. The address was made out by her tiny, wrinkled, Down Syndrome hands.
I opened the envelope and two scraps of paper fell out. They were approximately 4″ by 4″ in size. She made sure she didn’t waste any of paper by not leaving any space between her words.
I could picture her, carefully ripping, (not cutting), the paper out of her notebook and thinking about what to write. She didn’t use excess ink on words such as “the,” “and” and “is.” The note was mainly nouns, verbs and a few pronouns thrown in for good measure. She trusted me to fill in the blanks. the full article, and others like it at:
Monday, May 14, 2012
Color & Light: Ancient Forms, New Paradigms
Color & Light: Ancient Forms, New Paradigms
The application of light and color as a healing modality is a rapidly developing field with roots in ancient medicine. Color light therapy offers a pain-free, non-invasive therapy with no side effects. Light exhibits a unique capacity to effect psychological and spiritual healing while simultaneously supporting physical health.
The health systems of ancient cultures were based on an understanding that light and colors heal. The Greeks, Romans, Indians, Aztecs and Chinese all recognized the sun as a giver of light and a healing deity. Color as a part of light was known to have the same therapeutic effect as light itself. The Egyptians, for example, designed temples that split the sun’s rays into different colors, allowing patients to bathe in the appropriate color for their particular condition.
Recently, research in biophysics has confirmed the fact that light is a “language” by which our cells communicate with each other. German physicist and biophoton researcher F.A. Popp has shown that cell metabolism and communication between cells would be unthinkable without light. Popp proved that the cells of all living creatures emit biophotons or electromagnetic vibrations. This radiation represents a regulating power field that surrounds the whole organism and influences all our biochemical processes.
In his studies of cell communication, Popp demonstrated that normal living cells emit a steady stream of biophotons and act as carriers of information in living organisms. He observed that a cell will show an increased emission of biophotons whenever its functions are no longer in a state of balance. Any disruption in a cell’s homeostasis can lead to a change in the balanced flow of information (light) in the body. This transformation from harmoniously oscillating light eventually leads to incoherence, i.e. disease. Peter Mandel, a renowned German Naturopath and Acupuncturist, carried Popp’s observations forward and suggested that the resultant cellular changes also eventually affect the electrical receptivity of related zones and acupoints on the surface of the skin. the full article, and find others like it at:
Sunday, May 13, 2012
What is love?
So much more
important than the rest
Someone who
excites you
Someone who
entices you
Someone who has all the qualities you’re looking for
Or someone who
catches you totally off guard
something new to you
you never knew you wanted
and now you can’t live without
two versions of one self
easy -
or someone who challenges you
brings you where you’ve
never been
what makes a man a good friend
and another a
passionate lover
the things you have in common
or the mystery of
something else
the ways they give you what you want
or the ways they
challenge your desires
the way they balance life out
or the way they take
you higher
whole new world outside of your own
fascinating — yet far from home
being something you thought you couldn’t
enjoying things you thought you wouldn’t
qualities that make you curious and compelled
or keep you in your own little cell
the challenge of opposing sides
or the same safe easy
the confrontation of something new
or someone to agree
with you
seeing things the same
comfortable way
or waking up in each
brand new day
there are no answers to these questions, you know. The scientist in me was striving to find a formula, or course, a recipe for my desire. And now that love has finally appeared to me, I realized that love is all these things. It’s not an either, but simultaneous. True love is a miracle, it is. And worth waiting for.
Copyright © 2012 Tammy M. Lamm. All Rights Reserved.
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Saturday, May 12, 2012
A Moment with an Intuitive Chiropractor
A Moment with an Intuitive Chiropractor
Later, I asked Dr. Hiebert what it means to be an intuitive chiropractor.
“New patients usually come to me because something hurts,” he begins. “But the healing always starts with a long, comprehensive interview. If I have the patience to listen and wait, I find that the client will tell me what is wrong. This leads me to ask questions, which on the surface may not seem to make sense. Yet, asking the right questions is very important.” the full article, and find others like it at:
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