Color & Light: Ancient Forms, New Paradigms
The application of light and color as a healing modality is a rapidly developing field with roots in ancient medicine. Color light therapy offers a pain-free, non-invasive therapy with no side effects. Light exhibits a unique capacity to effect psychological and spiritual healing while simultaneously supporting physical health.
The health systems of ancient cultures were based on an understanding that light and colors heal. The Greeks, Romans, Indians, Aztecs and Chinese all recognized the sun as a giver of light and a healing deity. Color as a part of light was known to have the same therapeutic effect as light itself. The Egyptians, for example, designed temples that split the sun’s rays into different colors, allowing patients to bathe in the appropriate color for their particular condition.
Recently, research in biophysics has confirmed the fact that light is a “language” by which our cells communicate with each other. German physicist and biophoton researcher F.A. Popp has shown that cell metabolism and communication between cells would be unthinkable without light. Popp proved that the cells of all living creatures emit biophotons or electromagnetic vibrations. This radiation represents a regulating power field that surrounds the whole organism and influences all our biochemical processes.
In his studies of cell communication, Popp demonstrated that normal living cells emit a steady stream of biophotons and act as carriers of information in living organisms. He observed that a cell will show an increased emission of biophotons whenever its functions are no longer in a state of balance. Any disruption in a cell’s homeostasis can lead to a change in the balanced flow of information (light) in the body. This transformation from harmoniously oscillating light eventually leads to incoherence, i.e. disease. Peter Mandel, a renowned German Naturopath and Acupuncturist, carried Popp’s observations forward and suggested that the resultant cellular changes also eventually affect the electrical receptivity of related zones and acupoints on the surface of the skin. the full article, and find others like it at:
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