Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Mother’s Wedding Gift from Heaven

A Mother’s Wedding Gift from Heaven

That now familiar feeling I had come to know as my mother was poking at me again. Strong enough this time to wake me from my night’s dream. My heart felt so full as her gentle warmth curled up around me, peace radiating in such a way that it became my very being. There was no doubt in my mind that the etheric hands of my mother were holding me in a hug as I felt the rays of her love soothe me like a baby being sung a lullaby.
It had been six months since I had gotten engaged, three years since my mother had died, and tomorrow was my wedding day.
We had planned on wedding at sunset. That had been an easy decision, branching back to the first days of engagement. My soon-to-be husband had very thoughtfully asked me to marry him while at the cemetery where my Mom had been laid to rest. I was ecstatic that he had popped the question and proud of the way he had done so, by bringing my Mom into the experience in such a way that I could not have done so for myself.
But I, too, was determined to make her a part of the wedding. For many nights leading up to this night, I had lain in bed, head on my pillow, eyes closed, trying desperately to connect with her. Through the reaches of my heart and the silence of my words, I would ask her, “Please Mom, be at my wedding and let me know you are there. Give me a sign like a beautiful sunset so that I will know it is you.” Again on this night I repeated my prayer, closed my eyes, and very comfortably drifted back off to sleep. the full article, and others like it at:

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