Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Bear

The Bear

My most vivid dream memory from childhood is a recurring dream. Because of my age, and what I would later learn, I had no idea this dream was something of great importance and a sacred blessing.
My dream would go like this: I would be in a dark forest with large trees that would be making noise. I was always on a path trying to reach a destination (much like Little Red Riding Hood) and then I would realize someone was following me. I would then see the bear — a very large bear — and I would be frightened. I would always try to get ahead of her by running as fast as I could, but I could never move. I was always in the paralyzed dream state.
Out of fear, I would wake up.
The oddest thing for me to grasp at such a young age was this: I grew up in a city in a large, old house, and my bedroom was on the second floor. I would try to fall asleep when I’d see this huge bear’s head looking at me through my screen window.
It was alive, and very real. the full article, and others like it at:

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