Powerful universal energies are pushing us to the brink of assurance as we encounter the Great Wave of Change that is turning everything topsey turvey. There’s unprecedented uncertainty in the global economy, politics, religions, health — everything. It’s so tempting to hide under the covers and postpone the intense karmic demands of this Shift of the Ages.
Are you brave? Do you courageously meet life’s challenges without batting an eye? Or are you the lion in Wizard of Oz who trembles in fear, longing for the instinct of courage that grants us the heart to face each day.
How do we boldly open to the moment when instinct exclaims: “Run for the hills?” Current transformational forces leave no stone unturned. There’s no place to hide. We need to drum up the gumption to go forward into this vibrational blizzard, face the unknown and stay open to the cosmic line of fire illuminating our soul’s destiny.
We need to ask ourselves, “What areas of life are currently demanding an act of courage?” Preparation time has run out. Now is the moment to evoke the gritty determination to meet these challenges. Postponement only shrinks self-esteem. Courage begets confidence, not the other way around.
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