Planting the Seeds of Bliss
An excerpt from The Bliss Experiment: 28 Days to Personal Transformation
Affirmations are positive statements of truth that we aspire to absorb into our lives. They share similarities with practices like awareness, optimism and gratitude, but also at least one essential difference: they penetrate much more deeply, helping us take the next step to bliss.
There are several strategies and techniques for purifying our mental rivers and helping us gain mastery over our conscious minds. These are all effective and essential practices. Nonetheless, by themselves, they are not enough. While they definitely improve, even outright manifest, regular happiness, they can’t directly connect us with pure bliss. This is because “everyday happiness” (as we call it The Happiness Scale) primarily results from cultivating a positive mentaland emotional state.
Bliss exists on a deeper plane. It is a spiritual state far beyond our mind and emotions. Ultimately, bliss is much more than an abundance of happiness. It’s a new category of consciousness that exists on a higher octave of human experience. As indispensable as things like optimism and gratitude are — we wouldn’t have made it this far without them — it takes an entirely new set of tools to help us break through to the next level.
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