How I Use My Intuition
“The truth is more important than the facts.” — Frank Lloyd Wright
Tuning into intuition can feel unsettling, impractical, irrational and improbable. You don’t always quickly understand what information comes. It comes in paradoxical ways — a flash of lightning, a dreamy wispy cloud, a voice, a feeling, an image — and sometimes you don’t like its message. To follow it, you feel vulnerable and risk appearing foolish. Being below the threshold of normal human third-dimensional perception, it sometimes feels like you are only imagining things. Yet following “what rings true” can bring startling, powerful, profound, and miraculous results.
When I see a book, sometimes I know immediately I need to read it. Or the book falls literally from the shelves in front of me. A book’s energy field frequency is decided by content and author’s intent. Like attracts like. Deeper levels of me connect vibrationally with that book.
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