Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Reading: Books support Body, Mind & Soul

Summer Reading: Books support Body, Mind & Soul

7 Secrets of Time Travel: Mystic Voyages of the Energy Body, by Von Braschler (Destiny Books), 176 pages, $14.95 — Time remains the most misunderstood and mystical dimension of our experience of life. We never seem to have enough time, yet often it seems to drag by too slowly. Enthralled with the possibility of time travel and time machines, we long for the future or regret our past and wish for a way to break out of the linear progression of time. Behind all of this time fascination and obsession is the human urge to manage our destiny and feel in control of our world. Yet the secret to escaping temporal bondage is inside each of us, a soul-given power to visit the past or future and travel through the present at the speed of light. Exploring 7 secrets of time, Von Braschler reveals how to break free from the physical world and travel through time and space via the energy body. He examines time, timelessness, and time travel from the viewpoint of mystics, shamanic dreamwalkers, and scientists, including Helena Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, Albert Einstein, and Julian Barbour, as well as Hindu spiritual science. Explaining how transcending the physical body offers new hope for the treatment of illness, emotional problems, and addictions, he offers step-by-step instructions and active, out-of-body exercises to develop your time travel abilities and explore the world of energy and spirit. Emphasizing the spiritual wholeness that comes from energy body work, he shows that by visiting the past and the future we can more fully live in the now.
A Beautiful Medicine: A Radical Look at the Essence of Health and Healing, by David Mercier (Still Pond Press), 318 pages, $21.95, — A Beautiful Medicine is a fresh and often startling look at the core of health, healing, and spirituality. It goes beyond the basics of nutrition and exercise into the psychological and spiritual aspects of our lives. If most health books are about which cars are the best to drive, A Beautiful Medicine offers driving lessons. More than one noted author has said that after reading this book, you will never look at your health and well-being in the same way again. “Kerouac with On the Road and Pirsig with Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance each inspired a generation and guided a movement. David Mercier’s marvelous book will do the same. After reading this engaging integration of stories, philosophy, and medicine, you will never think of healing in the same way again!” — Richard Boyatzis, Ph.D.
Birth 2012 and Beyond: Humanity’s Great Shift Towards the Age of Conscious Evolution, by Barbara Marx Hubbard (Shift Books), 272 pages, $15.95, eBook $9.95 – Explaining how the planet’s myriad crises are actually the birth pangs of a new Earth, this inspired exploration is Barbara Marx Hubbard’s prophetic call for a planetary shift. It explores the aftermath of the coming planetary renaissance that she has heralded for decades, and introduces an established popular global movement to co-create a massive transition around a symbolic “Planetary Birthday” event on December 22, 2012. This volume features 12 evolutionary pioneers’ commentary on the author’s key themes of collective birth and conscious evolution, aiming to foster the emergence of a sustainable planetary civilization. Featured contributors include Ervin Laszlo, Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Jean Houston, and Neale Donald Walsch. Buckminster Fuller called Barbara Marx Hubbard “the best informed human now alive regarding futurism and the foresights it has produced.” Widely regarded as his philosophical heir, Barbara is a social innovator, speaker, author, educator, and leader in the new worldview of conscious evolution.
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